Well I have GOOD NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! His vet Kyle rang me tonight and said she had sent the xrays she took to a specialist radiographer, as she couldn't see the lump at all, and he said neither can he!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Both Kyle and Alan (Snr. vet at Zeus' normal surgery) couldn't see the lump, but they haven't seen the set of xrays that Veronica, the vet at their other surgery were Zeus was hospitalized, took. So Kyle is going to get those and send them to the same radiographer just to be absolutely 200% certain no lump.
Have to say, when I saw the second lot, I really didn't see what I would normal consider a 'mass/lump' more just a 'shadow' but accepted what the vet (Veronica) said as well, I'm not a vet
But at this point of time, no lumps/masses at all. And Zeus? Well he's virtually back to normal, except for the weight loss. He's eating like a horse, three meals a day plus treats, playing three way tug of war, stepping out at his normal brisk power walking pace, snoring as loudly as always, stealing Leaf's toys, demolishing jocks if left anywhere he can get them, barking for joy when he knows it's walk time, joining in trick training (he supervises) and is being ZEUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Never believe he was the same very sick laddy who was rushed to the vets a week ago!
So, he's just got a very bad urinary infection and will be back in two weeks for a check up to ensure all the infection has cleared.
To say his vet(s) are overjoyed is understating it all! And me? Well I'm sooooooooooo overjoyed I could almost cry with happiness!
Thank you all again so much. Will let you know when he's got the 'all clear' and also hopefully gained some weight! Nothing like walking a dog who looks like a refugee from a Doggy Concentration Camp!!!!!!!!!!!! But hey, he's my boy, he's feeling fine and all's well, so truly I don't really care! And I think I see a little weight gain, not sure, but certain he's not loosing more weight! Just need to tone up the muscles, especially in the hind legs and he'll be as good as a young puppy!