When we arrived at his usual vets, Helen the ultra sound specialist, had already seen his xrays and said to Kyle (she'd left when we arrived for another appointment) there wasn't any way she could do a bioptic ultra sound as the lump is too close to the heart, virtually 'over/growing in' the heart in the xray, as it would mean the needle would have to go into the heart and of course that would be fatal. She has said she could do a biopsy putting the needle down through the trachea, but that's a high risk procedure, so Kyle our vet is going to do a lot of research, along with speaking to vets and specialists here and in the U.S.A. to ascertain just how high a risk. Too high and she will not proceed, as she said, if he died during the procedure, that would be terrible - the cure worse than the dis-ease situation.
However, Helen and a radiographer called in to also view the xrays, both think the lump isn't cancer. They're not a 100% sure of course, only a biopsy would tell them that, but they said the overall look of the lump, plus NO sign of it spreading, sorry using non-technical terms the medical ones are a bit difficult, it could well be an abscess or a benign tumor. Another aspect is that cancer does not cause the extremely high temp either, but an abscess will. Zeus' temp was in the dangerously high catagory on Friday. Also it went up so quickly, along with dehydration, makes them feel it's more an abscess, which would cause the bad urinary infection, Of course the full examination has brought it (the lump) to light. Chances are it may have been there for a while, not causing any problems if it's benign and not an abscess. No guarantees of course, but because he's made such a rapid recovery, unlike Rakins who went down hill and kept going down hill, they are reasonably confident it's not cancer
So the next step is, Kyle has put him on the stronger of the two anti-biotics he was receiving whilst hospitalized, Veronica gave him a second one as she thought he wasn't responding, poor lady she didn't understand Zeus' attitude to being in hospital which runs along the lines of
"Ho hum, bored witless, no Mom, no Leafy, No socks or jocks to chew, no T.V. cct is boring to watch, may as well chill out, someone will arrive soon - hey where the h*ll are you all I need visitors" Believe me when Zeus 'chills out' he REALLY chills out!!!!!!!!!
He's on them for two weeks. Then will be xrayed again to see if the tumor has shrunk. Plus another urine check a week after he's finished the anti-biotics, to ensure all infection has cleared. As Kyle said, she will be monitoring him all along the way but is VERY hopeful of a successful outcome and whilst she won't say he'll go another ten years, she wouldn't be surprised if he did. Heelers are known to be very long lived dogs, in fact, some books say the longest living, but that's open to debate, as other breeds and x breads also live a very long time.
Today Kyle needed a urine sample and as I didn't follow my usual morning routine of letting both dogs out together, I forgot to get one, I just let out Zeus as I wanted to feed Leafy and the Cats without torturing Zeus by saying 'sorry fellow no food this morning' as he was nil by mouth because of the proposed biopsy. But Zeus, being Zeus and always ready to obliged, peed virtually on cue at the vets, he's so thoughtful. Then Kyle broke the 'house rules' and allowed both Zeus and I into the room where they have the microscopes etc. so I could see what she was looking at through the microscope. Very interesting, I always love to see what's happening, and with her help I could clearly see he still has infection in the urine. And Zeus, well he just chilled out, computer in the room, very familiar, made himself right at home

Didn't want to leave, so I showed Kyle the 'secret words' needed to move Zeus when he's in total chill out mode 'Zeusy HUP" said in a bright voice
As he's now fully hydrated, his catheter has been removed and LOL, if they didn't do it then Zeus would as he'd already started to chew it in the taxi - he wasn't too pleased about having to travel in the back of a rsv with a grid between us - showed his disgust by chewing the bandage

He's not used to traveling like that, he's used to riding right behind the driver, gotta make sure the driver knows what he's doing, and a chap just cannot watch if he's shut away in the back!
So funny though, with the nurse and I on the floor of the reception area carefully removing the mile of bandage, Alan on being warned Zeus was very good at removing bandages had added a few extra layers to keep the catheter safe, Zeus for a while watched with great interest. Then without any warning, flopped back, head right down, on the floor and lay as if he was about to expire any second!

Fortunately, Penny (the nurse) knows Zeus so we both cracked up laughing, but can so feel for Veronica the vet who was with him on Saturday and thought he wasn't going to make it. Honestly Zeus really can look, at any given time, so chilled out that if you didn't know him you would think he was ill or about to expire!
To say he's back to normal in his ways would be right, even though he's still has the infection, he's up to all his old tricks, trying to steal Leafy's soft toys when I tried to quietly put them down for her this morning etc.
I had to go to the automatic teller, so left my bag at the vets and with Zeus, sporting a much smaller bandage now over the spot were the catheter had been, and wearing his coat as it was raining good thing as he looks ghastly, skinny, short back and sides hair cut, honestly looks like an escapee from a Doggy Concentration Camp (would terrify kids, they'd have nightmares) took of for the very long walk to the nearest bank! Right! Me, I totally forgot, Zeus' religion clearly states that even on the shortest of walks a dog must pee and poop!!!!!!!! The pee is o.k. but poop in the street and Mom not clean up - YIKES - heavy fines and well not nice to leave a poop calling card! Especially as this street is a very busy shopping center! Zeus of course went to poop! First time I managed to deter him but knew full well he wouldn't last until we got back to the vets. So, walked along looking for a 'suitable' person to ask if they had anything which could be used as a poop bag. Along came this lovely, smiling Indian lady with a baby - aha perfect Mom's always have something suitable on them. I stopped her and very politely with a big smile said "Weird and wonderful request, my dog needs to poop and I've left the poop bags back at the vets. Would you have anything suitable please?". She laughed and produced a plastic shopping bag. Few more paces and yep Zeus pooped. But he had very sloppy poo - so here was me in the middle of a fashionable shopping strip attempting to 'catch' sloppy poo in a shopping bag. Not the most elegant of things and I did miss some, which meant I had to kinda 'scrub' at it with the bag! But, ever thoughtful, Zeus had stopped right on top of a street trash bin, so at least I didn't have to walk along carrying a somewhat messy poop bag. Plus, right there in the gutter was a lovely big puddle, so I could 'wash' my somewhat 'soiled' hands! Which of course I re-washed properly back at the vets!
Needless to say Kyle and everyone at both surgeries are over joyed to see how much Zeus has recovered. Honestly, we almost broke out a bottle of champers, they love him so much - told me my dogs are their very best patients and so loved

And poor Kyle, she's always had such bad news to deliver of late, is sooooooooooo relieved she can actually treat Zeus, not have to do the final deed. Plus she's longing to meet Leaf, she's not yet met her, so a visit with Leaf is on the 'to do list'

She's already heard all about her from the other vets and nurses, who said Leaf's a very well behaved little puppy YEAH the kid did well on her two hospital visits to her Big Bro Zeus!
Request: Any suggestions as to what to feed Zeus, other than upping the anti of his normal diet, to increase his weight and muscle tone? He is seriously under weight, by six kilos, lost heaps of muscles tone and looks like a bag of bones at present. He's fed raw, with organic food, yoghurt (natural of course) eggs with the shells ground up, offal and a veggie/meat stew. Plus organic treats. I know his hair cut will improve, so that's not a worry, but his weight loss is and Kyle has said to feed him up with bigger and bigger meals. LOL Zeus is delighted of course, as he's always had to 'watch his weight' despite loads of exercise, that chilled out way does I think cause some of the weight gain
Please keep the the prayers and positive thoughts, he's not out of the woods yet, and I KNOW your thoughts and prayers are working. Thank you everyone

Will update when he's had his next tests.