Thank you Jackie
Finally, the computer is working again, the old one just didn't support web sites.
Zeus is still continuing to do really well. Gaining weight, still needs a kilo or two more to be back to his correct weight though but no longer looking like an escapee from a doggy concentration camp, thank goodness!
He has to be checked, (urine sample) every couple of months or so, but his vet is over joyed he's pulled through and is doing so well.
Just need his hind legs to strength a bit more. Seems to be worse, understandably, when he's been laying down for a while, but walking he's just fine.
Any tips on how to strengthen an older boys legs would be appreciated. I give him a massage which does seem to help.
Thank you everyone for all your thoughts, prayers and wonderful support. To see my Golden Oldie back to being himself again is such a rewarding sight!