//"Tigerlily, something I would like to see in confirmation shows is that they start testing for the functionality of the dog, not just the looks."//
well, a talent competition would be nice, for dog beauty pageants,
but some talents would be hard to put on a stage, like bird dogs or hunting dogs...

Trying to picture this on a stage....
Anyway, I said that, because most breeders I know, have a couple of dogs and do nothing else than go to shows. These dogs hardly know to sit on command, because their owners don't want them to sit down in the ring. They are supposed to stand before the judge. All the training they get is how to run nicely besides the person showing them and how to stand.
I can't wrap my head around that. You decide to get a specific breed and then you don't use the dogs ability.
I mean, I chose the aussie for a reason. It's capability for working(and yes, for it's looks). Weather that is herding cattle or doing agility. It is a dog made to work for and with it's owner.
Don't get me wrong, I love my friend, but she does nothing with her dogs. They had their basic obedience, but Brit, the one that had the litter, had almost no training untill she got her points for breeding. You have to have a certain amount of points before you are allowed to breed under the Golden Retriever Club regulations.
Goldens are such trainable dogs! Why get one, if you are not going to enjoy working with a it? I have had this discussion with her over and over. She has 4 dogs and did a lot of training with her first dog(Donja). Dogdance, obedience, agility. But as soon as she decided she wanted to be a breeder and she got Brit, she stopped doing all that.
When I asked her why, she said that other breeders told her that if she trained obedience with her showdog, she would not perform as well in shows.
Fortunately there are breeders that don't believe this and do have a lot of fun with their dogs, besides going to shows.
I have been thinking of taking Jinx to a small australian shepherd show. Just to see what a judge thinks of her. But I don't think I will ever get there

I just don't see myself prancing around in a ring. And getting a piece of paper saying: lovely bitch, nice shaped head, good proportions, too much white.
I know all this, I don't need a judge to tell me this.
What I find more important is the fact that she is willing to work, eager to please, that she has a great personality. Those are qualities I would like to pass on, IF I were ever going to breed her(which I'm not)
Yes she should be up to breedstandard, but I also think that the dogs ability to work should be considered in breeding.
There are so many differences between (what is called) working lines and showlines.
Showlines have a lot more hair and, how do I say this right, are less willing to work? No, have less drive, that's how I wanted to say it.
Sure there are a lot of best of breed aussies out there that have their working stock dog titles or agility titles. But overall showlines do have less drive.
So if I have an aussie that has a great character and is a fantastic worker, but he/she is the wrong color or his ears stand up(is considered a flaw) then he/she can not be a good representative for his breed??
Then why is the aussie that has too much coat and that might have a lot less drive considered "the best of it's breed"?
I guess I'll never get that. I do understand someone wanting to have the best dog, but I just don't think it's all about the looks. Or what some judge thinks, should be the looks.
What I meant with educating judgeg beter... I have seen showreports where it said: eyes could be a bit darker... so the dog got a lower score.
That is a personal opinion. The breedstandard for aussies states:
are brown, blue, amber or any variation or combination thereof, including flecks and marbling.
So if my dog has blue eyes and the judge says the eyes could be a bit darker...Hey, the standard doesn't say which shade of blue!!!!
Or if the judge likes red merles, so he sends out all the tri-colored dogs, even if they are better looking than the red merle.
I truely dispise that.
Sigh, oh well, I could go on and on...
I'm going to cuddle my perfect aussies and go to bed.

They are perfect to me, so the h*** with stupid judges