It's never stupid to ask a question, it's only stupid to NOT ask

Double Aries (or double any sign) is when the person's sun sign is in say 'Aries' and their rising sign (when the moon is rising into that part of their chart at the time of birth) is also Aries. Means with Aries 'double fire power"

You're so right about puppies and their bladders, plus the 'thought' of 'hey I need to go' doesn't always connect with the action of 'going outside or asking to go outside'

You do have to watch and observe their movements to spot they need to 'go' and act accordingly. O.K. I'd take on meditation, often people will listen to an outsider more than they will someone close to them, especially their own children. Parents always, in their minds, know best comes with the territory

I've got a bit of a problem with 'going' but the other end of the age spectrum. Zeus, who's always been a very clean boy, has had a few accidents inside. Due to two factors, one Cushings and the other I think is 'senior moments'. I now keep an old towel down in front of the door, so it's easy to just take that and pop it into the washing machine and mop the tiles. He's a bit like a puppy, you have to get up immediately the moment he asks to 'go' he cannot wait a minute. His accidents happen during the night, he doesn't wake me unfortunately, to let me know he needs to 'go'. It's all part of being a dog parent.
Awwww that's so cute that Trixie has such a soft mouth. I too would love those tickles

Ra Kismet's gentle but in a vigorous way, if that makes sense. Maybe 'thorough' is a better word. You'll soon have those lovely wake up calls and they are just so special. My favorite thing is Ra Kismet waking me with doggy kisses

Just hope LOL Trixie doesn't land full force on top of you though, that can be a bit of a shocker if you're still asleep when it happens
Yes those accidents happen with young puppies and kittens too. One of my cats when young managed to smash an antique tea service to smitthereens, along with breaking off a bit of the shelf stereo and cracking the glass in a photo frame, all in one hit!
Sadly with the ball, it did cause some more problems. Ra Kismet gouged the side of his face trying to get unrippened Apricots from the tree, nothing serious, so I just bathed it and put on some Aloe Vera. Unfortunately the ball, which is very hard, caused the wound to keep splitting open so he's not able to play with it until the wound heals completely. Partner of course has now banned the ball completely because it 'hurt' Ra Kismet. Don't worry that I took two massive cracks from the ball hitting me, one on the ankle and the other on the shin, partner didn't even look at my bruised and battered leg! Something has to be resolved here with balls. If you ever discover a decent sized ball (soccer sized) on the web which is also soft not hard but dog chew proof PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let me know!
Oh Trixie's starting to move into adolescence

. She'll do that for a while, not want to be picked up etc., after all she's 'all grown up and independent' in her mind anyway

When she moves through it all, she'll suddenly realize 'hey I really love being picked up or cuddled' and want to do it again. Just like teenagers, don't want Mom or Dad hugging or kissing them
That's so lovely, she was the only one who came up and cuddled and kissed you.

Yes, she chose you and wanted to be your BFF. It's so lovely isn't it knowing you have such a friend. No matter what the world throws at you, you always know you've got the very best friend ever, right there always at your side, always loving and caring and they don't even mind when you have 'bad hair days' they still love you. I couldn't live with out my boys, that's for sure.