Well-Known Member
I won't Mary K I promise
I take that as good news.
I must admit she does seem embarrassed by it, once she couldn't move towards him cos she was trying to hold it soo bad.
Thats Brilliant news, he's lucky to have you looking out for him.
Aww your not going to give his most favouritist ball away are you? you better buy him 20 ball to make up for it
lol not that i'm trying to convince you to spoil your dog much lol Although if it's causing you that many bruises it is a consideration. and at least it would be going to a good cause. I'm sure the big cats would have tons of fun.
Thats great that he's recovered from the accident. Just hope it doesn’t happen again
It’s pretty good and fairly easy to fix if he does get through it, or you could use the pattern to make something similar out of a sturdier material?? If your crafty like that?
I’m sure he still gets his puppy hugs though? He wouldn’t let you go without a cuddle a day J
It really is, I’ve always wanted one, and was always sad that I didn’t get to know my parents first dog (a Dalmatian called Jody) And now I have my very own who loves me back and is always so happy to see me even if I’ve only been in the kitchen making a cup of tea lol
Ours was really good now we’ve got the little mischief maker (that’s a lie she’s the best dog ever)

I take that as good news.

Thats Brilliant news, he's lucky to have you looking out for him.
Aww your not going to give his most favouritist ball away are you? you better buy him 20 ball to make up for it

Thats great that he's recovered from the accident. Just hope it doesn’t happen again
It’s pretty good and fairly easy to fix if he does get through it, or you could use the pattern to make something similar out of a sturdier material?? If your crafty like that?
I’m sure he still gets his puppy hugs though? He wouldn’t let you go without a cuddle a day J
It really is, I’ve always wanted one, and was always sad that I didn’t get to know my parents first dog (a Dalmatian called Jody) And now I have my very own who loves me back and is always so happy to see me even if I’ve only been in the kitchen making a cup of tea lol
Ours was really good now we’ve got the little mischief maker (that’s a lie she’s the best dog ever)