Impressive Dogster! I just read from page 4 to 11 and I am shocked. I have heard about bulldogs breeding problems, breathing problems, arthritis etc but after watching the documentary and reading everything its way more to it. I am shocked how badly humans have messed up dogs from double merles, to tail and ear docking and messing up the dogs ability. There is way to much breeders that breed just for looks. Basset hounds with extremely long ears that they fall over because of them, chihuahuas so small and fragile, golden retrievers with white coats and blocky heads, border collies with no herding instinct and Labradors that hate water, cant retrieve and have such wide shoulders they cant walk.

When I went camping I met these people who had a 10 week old GS with pink eyes and droopy eyes

. the people are like ``his parents had the same eyes and the breeder said that its normal for GS to have thous eyes! ``
Another example. There is this australien shepherd breeder that breeds double merles and sells them for 2,000 $!!!!!!!!