oh yeah, see, i've been watching Buddy for years, and i have noticed,
ALL german shepherds = 100% guarantee reaction, and it's an ugly reaction, oh real scarey stuff.
No matter what i do, Buddy WILL react to all gsdm unless we are reeeeeeally really far away, nah, even far away, it's still a bit of a challenge.
Rotties, he sees so many rotties, that he is not so bad about rotties as he is for GSD.
A woman down the street, who had gsd and a black lab, told me, after her gsd had died, she was always amazed how Buddy reacted to her gsd. She said her gsd was world's sweetest friendliest dog, and every dog always liked her gsd,
and she told me her black lab is "obnoxious" and most dogs hate her black lab, yet, Buddy was so 500% focused on her gsd, Buddy never even noticed her black lab, not once, in all those years.
No idea why Buddy hates all GSDs, no matter what i do or try, is no luck. I've got Buddy to "Like" two (2) gsds in over 3 years, i don't even try anymore.
ALL skinny, short haired dogs, like minpins, chihuahuas, any dog like that, 100% guaranteed reaction, (if i do nothing)
and it looks weird, not at all like his gsd reaction, is whole other deal, and it's very very little posturing prior, he's ready to attack, and it looks fearless, sort of like prey, sort of like how he does bunnies.
buddy once took off after a chihuahua, at full speed, immediately, from his door, dragging his leash behind him.(this is NOT what he does for GSDs at all)
Took me a while to find him again, he was coming home when i found him, and then, i put him indoors and went looking to find a slaughtered chihuahua,
but i found the chihuahua, who was just fine,

which seemed almost a miracle. No idea what happened there. no idea. did the chihuahua outrun Buddy? did they meet, and chihuahua bellied up? what happened? no idea.
I did take the chihuahua home, and told his owner he might want to not let his dog wander around the hood off leash like that cuz some dogs will chase him and maybe hurt him.
See, Buddy grew up in a cage, in a dark barn, 24/7, and the barn was infested with rats.
(apologies to any owners of small skinny dogs if anyone is reading this besides me and Jazzy) but, i came up with idea, that maybe, maybe, living with only rats(which are small, skinny-legged, short-haired creatures)
so Buddy spent his entire life amongst only rats to entertain himself, (plus 100 other border collies in cages all around him)maybe maybe, Buddy thinks of small, skinny, short=haired dogs as a creature he can mess with, chase, eat, bite, chase, deja vu/flashback or whatever. Obviously, this is just
a wild guess, and i could be off by miles, cuz Buddy wont' say why that body shape of dog sends him into "deranged predator" mode most of the time.
I can however,
get Buddy to calmly walk by that body type of dog, IF i have enough notice.
you know, if we can see them coming, or see them in their yard as we come along, i can prep Buddy with calming signals to get him to just walk by them like a 'normal' dog.
Yeah, Buddy def has his "types" he is more likely to hate, or more likely to accept!!!!
My whole family has noticed this.
Buddy usually hates "shy" or timid dogs, or any dog who submits to him, and loathes hyper, spazzy dogs, but can be brought to eventually like a hyper dog, but, it takes a while.
Black labs were hit or miss, till Buddy had yelling match with a black lab,and now, Buddy seems to think all black labs coming along, are that trouble maker black lab.
but Buddy LOVES rude, in-your-face dogs, any dog who goes nose-to-nose with Buddy is good chance Buddy will like them. Instantly.
buddy totally respects all alpha dogs, the true alpha dogs, buddy is so good.
buddy often likes/ignores geezer dogs, but, not always. (he hates geezer gsds)
buddy has liked all of the very few bloodhounds he's ever met, on sight, no problems.
Buddy is less reactive to extremely obese dogs, but, not always.
and Buddy almost invariably likes small white fluffy dogs, (?) no idea why that is, even if they are barky or hyper, if they are small white fluffy dogs, is good chance buddy might like them.
Buddy likes most young female dogs, but not all. (hates young female gsds)
Buddy tends to accept GRs fairly easily, too, sometimes instantly.
and seems freaked out by big poodles, esp poodles with hairdos, Buddy stares in awe, like what IS that....
Buddy has seen one Irish Wolfhound, and buddy stopped in his tracks, and just stared. so did i.
this is also what he does when he sees another border collie, too, but eventually he will begin reacting to the other BC, but he stares at it in weirrrd way first.
and Buddy dislikes almost all puppies immediately, and seems disgusted that puppies are allowed to live. but, he doesn't attack puppies, but, will bark loudly at the puppy, and then walk away in disgust, like, "get off my lawn, you kids."
but, that said, still, most unknown dogs Buddy is likely to react to, if i do nothing. some of this, is how hard i have to work to get Buddy past these various types of dogs...