Update on Rakins.
We went to the Neurological Specialist today and the good news is that it's not Rakin's spine or brain which are causing the problem! His spinal column is relaxed and perfect, reflexes are all perfect and nothing to show any problems with his brain. That's the good part. His front legs though are now also affected. I did think this the other day, but was hoping I was wrong - I wasn't
It is, in the opinion of the Specialist, the 'mystery mass' which is causing the problem. Something called an extremely long and complicated word which neither partner nor I can remember, but in layman terminology means that there is a peripheral 'something' - the mystery mass - causing all the trouble. I've had that 'gut' feeling the mass was at the bottom of it all - though on the wrong track as to what/why - well I'm not a vet, nor a neurological specialist - my excuse and I'm standing by it.

A & C you had that kind of thought too great minds think alike
What has happened is that the antibodies which move in to attack/seal anything which is foreign in the body, also affect, for a reason not known to anyone, the nerves and surrounding areas. As his Specialist said, a dog presenting with bad hind legs, front legs also affected, vomiting AND a massive mystery lump, he would be looking first at the lump. Well he's a specialist my lovely G.P. vet's don't deal with problems like this every day, so I do not blame them in the least for thinking with the legs, possible spinal problems, were more important than the mystery mass.
So, now Rakins has to go to a Specialist Ultrasound lady, Friday week, and she will do an ultrasound of course and, depending on what she finds, will either aspirate the lump under sedation, no anesthetic, or do a biopsy (keyhole from what I gather) if she deems aspiration isn't appropriate and then it may well mean full on surgery.
After that his Specialist said his legs should come good and be right as rain. It all depends now on the 'mystery mass', whether it's benign or cancerous, I'm feeling sick at present at the thought of the big C. But, will stay positive only way, and see what happens on Friday next week.
Rakins was given a very thorough 'going over'. Poor wee chap was twisted, prodded, gently pulled in every conceivable position. He was so well behaved, until about three quarters of an hour through all this, when he was taken outside. Walking up and down, fine he was all for that. But, when asked to stand on two legs on the same side - both right side legs first then left side next - he snapped - literally!

He was at the end of his endurance and I am sorry to say he lashed out biting at anyone and anything. No warning growl either, but I did see his eyes change and knew he wasn't at all happy but as he's never bitten anyone before, didn't quite expect him to 'lash out' - a bit of a zoned out reaction understandable but really upset me. I was almost in tears

. Only casualty, fortunately out of the Specialist, Nurse, my partner and I, was my partner who caught a bite on his thumb which broke the skin. Bit of TLC from the nurse and some Iodine and he was right as reign. I needed a stiff drink, but none was forthcoming. The nurse and the Specialist were so cool and told me not to worry at all. Rakins was just letting us all know he'd had enough the only way a dog can - with his teeth. He was, I'm relieved to say, an angel for the rest of his examination, which required him to lay comfortably on the examination table.
What has upset me so much is that Rakins has always LOVED, LOVED, LOVED his vets, now he's taken an aversion to vets. What I am going to do is to ask his GP Vet Kylie if he can visit at a slack time for just some cuddles and treats, as I don't want him to have bad memories of vets and take pot shots at any vets in the future.
He's also on total rest still, bad news for the boy, no play, no walks, no tricks no SOCCER

He's doing it really tough, breaks my heart, as he goes outside for potty and toddles/wobbles over to where his football is kept and gives me his 'soccer squeal' - it's a special 'hey Mom I wanna play soccer" squeal and all I can do is cuddle and say sorry little one, no can play. Plus he'll find a wrecked soccer ball and bringing that up to me, with that 'pleeeeeeeeeeease Mommy pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeese just one little play" look and again I have to say we can't play my darling boy. Think I'll have to hide the wrecked balls too, don't want to throw them out as he loves playing tug with them and shaking them really hard.
The Specialist totally approved his diet of Rump Steak along with DOGtorX Formula to ensure he gets all his necessary vitamins, minerals, trace elements and said all I had done was excellent. But I feel so helpless, I'm not doing much, except cuddling my beautiful boy

Plus Rakins could eat as much as he wanted and could hold down. Also, he needs food high in protein, due to all the muscle wastage, he's a shadow of his old self. So any suggestions of SOFT food, he still doesn't want kibble, even organic which he's normally fed along with meat, would be appreciated. Oh, he's now not wanting chicken, as it made him vomit that last time he ate that.
I'll catch up with other people's posts tomorrow, so sorry everyone don't mean to be selfish, but I'm honestly so completely drained, the letters are waving at me as I type. Excuse all typos too please.