Thank you all so very, very much. Sorry I have been slow in replying, but as A & C has said, the trauma was very big and well I am sure you all understand. To know so many people care and understand is very comforting, you may never realize how much, but you're all wonderful people and I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
This is what I whispered to my darling, handsome boy, as he crossed the Bridge
When I hear the winds rustle through the trees
and the brook babbling over it's bed
I will hear your voice.
When the Autumn leaves dance and skip
and the tall grasses sway
I will know you're presence.
When the midday sun blazes down
and I feel it's heat
I will know your love.
When the moon casts her silvery light
and the stars glisten above
I will know your Soul.
True Love can never be broken
My Beautiful Boy,
And surely our love was pure,
unconditional and will remain.
I shall always love you,
Go to the Light, do not be afraid
I love you.
Rakins was a dog who loved life, he was loved by everyone and in return loved everyone, unconditionally, that was his legacy to the world, and also of course, he was the best little soccer player ever!
Yes, his crossing has been very sad, very traumatic, but I have been blessed and privileged to share my life with such a wonderful dog. Albeit for such a short, too short, a time. Three and a half years, but he crammed more living into that time than a lot of dogs do who's lives are much longer.
And, not sure if everyone will understand or believe this, but on the Thursday night, when my partner and I were going down Memory Lane, remembering all the funny, loving ways of Rakins, he came 'buzzing' in - no other word for it - all full of his usual bounce, energy and LOVE!!!! We both saw him, as clearly as if he were there in the flesh, and he's continued to buzz in, any time we either think of him or feel depressed, he's there. And he also definitely guided me to look for another baby to love.
I was feeling very down, trying to watch the tennis but failing miserably to focus, when I saw Rakins and he ran into this room, where the computer is, and back again to me. He did it a few times, willing me to turn on the computer and start looking for a new baby. I honestly didn't really feel like it, but well, I couldn't resist the pull.
He was right, after spending time searching, I was drawn to a little girl, I couldn't move away from her and when I did try, I was immediately drawn back!. At around 4.a.m. I filled out the Adoption Papers, with tears pouring down my face, and thought well, I've done what you wanted Rakins. He reappeared and buzzed around, so very, very, happy.
Next morning an email saying that Leaf (my new baby's name) foster Mom would call some time soon, and sure enough, a few hours later on Saturday a lovely lady called about Leaf. I promptly burst into tears, but she totally understood, and said cry all I wanted too. A meet and greet was arranged for the Sunday, and it went really well. My little lady will not come home for another two weeks, after she's been desexed (strict rules on that which is great), so will wait until then to formally introduce her to you all. Suffice to say, she's in a wonderful foster home and is totally beautiful, reminds me of my beloved late Tiger Lily. Rakins always could pick lovely ladies, he was quite the 'man about town' with the ladies and he sure did himself proud with choosing little Leaf
And Rakins, well he was around for the meet and greet and buzzes back in all the time. Sometimes he looks at me as if to say 'please don't grieve, I'm still around and hey gotta organize the Motley Mutts Soccer Team'