//"I TRIED to teach Evie calm behaviours around the bunny and failed miserably because if there was a bunny in sight she'd have to be 100% focused on the bunny and she would completely ignore the clicker and completely ignore the treats and toys and ... everything."//
disappointing that growing up with a bunny didn't help...but wow, do i totally understand a border collies ability to FOCUS 3000% on something, oh do i know just what you mean!!
yes, teaching a dog to be calm, does take some practice, i think. It can be done, though, it can be done. I'm just pointing this out---that getting a dog calm by bunnies CAN be done using only clicker and treats-------- cuz i don't want Collie23 to think leash-popping must be the way to go with this.
I have got my dog calm by bunnies using only a clicker and treats------no yanking the dog around, no scaring the dog, no force at all.
Thing is, yanking a dog's neck, only prevents a dog from chasing bunnies when you are right there, to stop him. He is not learning what you
DO want him to do, instead......BUT rewarding calmness does teach him what you DO want him to do.
but teaching calmness with clicker and treats, can be done---
reply #101 on page 6 of this thread:
I have done this with wild bunnies on walks,
and i still think (i could be wrong) that if i did have regular access to bunnies, in a closed area like dog whisperer had, that i could make even further progress with Buddy....or, maybe i am just dreaming!! lol.
I can get my dog to lie calmly and watch bunnies on leash, but, my dog KNOWS when he is on leash
....i'd love the chance to be able to advance along to trying having him calm by bunnies when he is OFF leash, in a closed area with lots of bunnies, like dog whisperer had when he yanked the dog's neck around...................but, i don't have that chance.
and last night, Buddy did lunge at a bunny on a walk, (first time in eons...)
but, in his defense, the bunny darted out unexpectedly in the dark, it was just too much for Buddy......he just reflexively tried to chase it, til he remembered he IS onleash

.........actually, the unxpected 'something' bouncing by us in the dark kind of startled me too!
and then, when we got home, Buddy sat outside for a few moments in his own yard
and wa-la! The now familiar noise of "bunny screeeeeams"

from the back yard, and there is Buddy running to me to drop his kill at my feet...