Honored Member
Hi Mary. The Komondor in question was a big, sloppy dog who carried a football in his mouth! The only risk to Todd would have been a risk of drowning through slobber!!
Our puppy classes only take them after they have had their innoculations so 11 weeks old will be the youngest. The courses are for 10 weeks and then they go on to stage 2 and continue (if needed) up to 12 months. Agility classes are from 12 months. Awh I bet Leaf and her Goldie friend were so cute at agility class. It sounds like Leaf had a bad start to her life tooCourt case??
Todd and Leah's vids should be open now ( I think he was around 9 weeks than). Leah entered Britains Got Talent and made it through to the second round. BGT contacted me to ask for videos so I closed everything that wasn't needed. Sorry! They are open again now. Do you realise with one typo we wont know if we are talking about my daughter or your daughter Mary! (Leah and Leaf lol!)
Todd is in the doghouse this evening. Took him to the beach today. He was very well behaved - except on one occasion when he became so engrossed in playing with a Yorkie and refused to come back when I called him - Can you imagine a puppy wanting to play rather than return to his boring owner? Disgraceful!
But the worst thing is he found a fish - a smelly, rotting fish - and proceeded to sit and nibble its tail, and then roll all over itl. He was absolutely stinking!! I heaved all the way on the journey home and never has a dog been dunked in the bath so quickly!! I don't know how many denti sticks he had tonight, in an effort to freshen his breath! Ugh!!
The growth palette you speak of is very interesting! The problem is I don't have anything to guage it againstThe nodules at the sides of Todd's knees are about the size of large frozen peas (I cant think of anything else of that size).
I will try to upload some pics of local walks we have been on over the past two days - just for you to see where we spend our days
Ooh Kassidy. I look forward to your updates about your new puppy![]()
The Komondor sounds absolutely delightful, lovely to see a dog like that, he must have great humans. LOL hope Todd didn't drown in slobber

Very much like the sound of your puppy classes. Ours will only take them after their vaccinations, but do not continue on and last only four weeks. Then it's on to Adult Doggy School but in the junior classes. Full Agility is usually 12 months old, to ensure their skeletal and muscular development has matured. The 'mini' agility course in junior class is really to get their little minds thinking and working, not as a fore runner to full on Agility.
LOL they sure were cute and kept everyone in fits of laughter. Yes Leaf was also a rescue from an abusive environment but the full details are not made known, so I've had to 'guesstimate' some of what has happened to her from her reaction to different things happening in her life.
Congratulations to Leah! That's fantastic making it to second round in Britain's Got Talent, not easy to get through that's for sure. No hadn't realized how close their names were, will have to be careful as I'm the world's worst typist!
Am going to check the videos now, fingers crossed.
I know absolutely shocking! We humans are so darned boring compared with a fun playmate

Todd reminds me of a beautiful Golden Lab I used to walk for an elderly lady. This chap delighted in finding the dirtiest, most stinking water you could imagine! Then he'd wallow for ages, refuse to come out (and one lot I sure wasn't going in heaven only knows what had died in that water) until he was covered in gunk and stank like a Skunk. The worst part was, to get him home I had to walk through the main shopping center, with all it's street cafes etc. I did try to 'disown' him but he was such a friendly chap it was just impossible! I also had to hose him before returning him to his dotting owner!
Sounds like Todd still has quite a bit of growing to do, he's going to be probably top end of height for a BC boy.
Blossom is still growing lengthwise, but there is a move upwards as well. My partner keeps saying she's out of proportion, her head is too tiny for her body! I think she's beautiful, her own individual self. And besides she was always going to be 'interesting' with a cross like hers. I've some new photos of her, just got to find the time to resize them. Then I'll upload to her profile page.
Looking forward to seeing the walks you take, I know I'll be jealous I miss the British countryside so much!