Before I address your last post, my apologies I forgot to congratulate you both on Todd not being afraid of the Komondor! That's really impressive, as quite often young puppies get scared by a big dog, friendly as the dog may be, and it remains with them for ages! And a Komondor too! He/she must have been very well socialized because those dogs do have a bit of a rep. for being aggressive towards other dogs (cats and other animals are fine just dogs) so Todd met a real goof ball who's owners were obviously aware that their doggy needed good socialization. I was so tired when I answered your post, very remiss of me.
Congratulations Todd

That's awesome that you remember all your lessons and didn't 'disgrace' yourself or your Mom. Absolutely thrilled to hear that and am grinning from ear to ear.
I like that they take older puppies that's a brilliant idea, wish our Vet did that, they only take them up to 12 weeks old. But I have to say they don't have the facilities to separate the older puppies as they're in an inner suburb.
Fantastic that Todd already knew sit, down and stay/wait!

To be able to concentrate on heel work is fabulous, especially at his young age, he's one very smart laddie and you're obviously doing all the right things in teaching him good doggy manners.
And he knows High Fives and now High Tens! That's fabulous he's doing so well, he'll be the trick champion before long.
Good idea not to tire him out before class, they do use a lot of brain power at school. LOL I love the way he 'got' unloading the washing machine, that's priceless. Now all he has to learn is how to fold all Leah's undies and of course, put them away! Trust a puppy to 'get' the unloading then scatter the clothes all over the kitchen floor.

You've every right to be a proud Mom, Todd's a very smart puppy and seems to be very willing to work and learn. He's got a good work ethic, which will carry him a long way in the future.
LOL typical good puppy, runs to anyone who has a treat. When Leaf was in puppy class (at the big dog school she missed the very young puppy class as she had to be kept with her foster Mom until after the court case) she learned very quickly to sit when greeted by the other trainers, in fact she plunk her little butt down the moment she saw any of the trainers, whether they were taking her class of not! Her recall, that's a very funny story, awesome at home but in class with her BFF - ummmm especially on the miniture agility course - she and Buddy (a Goldie) would just 'take off' and no amount of calling got them back. They went around the course, not necessarily in the right order or just on their side of the course, but all over the course jumping everything in sight. The long tunnel was time to have a wee bit of a cuddle then they both would emerge and take off again. Sooooooooooo embarrassing!!!!!!!
Looking forward to seeing his videos. Please don't use 'private', cannot think which one it is on YouTube, it's the one I always use, it's not public or private but the other one. That way they'll show up here but not be seen all over YouTube.
Glad I'm not alone with the foot fetish. Blossom also loves jeans, long skirts, shoe laces and long housecoats

They do grow out of it - eventually - but in the meantime stand still ask for 'leave' 'sit' and of course click,mark/treat. But, if Todds like Blossom his memory span may be short lived!

Poor Leah, she has my sympathy, nothing like a puppy hanging on to your hair!
LOL Leah's well trained, always has treats in her pocket, good girl Leah you're a good dog trainer. That must be so cute the way he runs to her, love that and such good training for him too.

I well understand why her friends are so impressed, Todd's a little gem! And so cute to boot!
I'm thrilled and impressed with Todd's good manners in class. He's done really, really well (hope my typing is o.k. both dogs are doing their best to distract and turn off the computer. I'm typing with one leg 'guarding' the computer on button). I'm sure he'll be even better next week.
Keep up the excellent work Todd, you sure are a STAR Pupil! Top of the Class!!!!!

I'm not too bad with I phones, LOL typical teenager adults really don't know anything at all. In a few year's time she'll realize you're not totally useless and 'too old'
Going to hit post before the two scallywags turn off the computer! So pardon any typos!