Honored Member
A & C, I loved your whole post - but that summed it up for me. Yes, I'm glad he stresses exercise - but that's the only good I see coming out of this guy.Re: Cesar's Pros:
See, once I see you choking dogs, kicking dogs, dragging traumatized dogs into situations they find abjectly terrifying, and laughing at dog's fearful reactions, you lose, buddy. Game over, any good message you may bring has been swallowed up by the harm you have done to both those individual dogs and to the nameless, countless dogs under the care of those who follow you.
For years, I had three large dogs (all gone to The Bridge now) ... an 80 lbs GSD, and two GSD/Golden mixes, brothers, one 80 lbs, one 60 lbs. I used to walk them all together each day. I was lucky, I had THE BEST dogs, it took work, but we were a team of four, team I'll never forget. We all went to the park, the beach, we went everywhere together. Three big dogs, three LOOSE leashes, one hand. I literally used to walk them with the leashes each draped over one finger in my right hand. Yes, this was the confidence I had in my dogs. They walked beautifully, were unreactive, and didn't need leashes - we had them because there is a leash law. Ok fine. They walked in front of me when in the neighborhood on the sidewalk, we'd always stop if they found something to stop and sniff - or pee on, and of course, I always have bags in my pocket. Hang on - there's a point to this. One day - after years of walking like this - a car pulled over (no one I knew) and asked if I had ever heard of Cesar Milan? Who? Cesar Milan. No. This total stranger (and passenger) started going on and on about how I was walking my dogs "wrong", how they were pulling me (HUH?), how they should be walking behind me (WHY?), how they were most likely trying to dominate me since they were leading me, and on and on it went. I stood there totally baffled. They strongly suggested I watch the show to straighten out all the dog problems I undoubtedly had at home. I told them I didn't have any problems. They found that very hard to believe. (I kept wondering who these people were???) They finally drove on - and we continued our walk. A few days later, someone else pulled over - and we had almost the same conversation. WTH?? I had to watch this guy to find out who he was, and why everyone was suddenly a dog expert. I found it so sad that total strangers were suddenly taking it upon themselves to pull their cars over and instruct dog owners on the "proper art of dog walking" ... even tho I asked, and neither person had a dog at that time, they just watched his show (which was brand new at that time). I believe during that "new" time, 4 different people stopped to discuss my dog-walking habits. I lost it with the last one. I refuse to have my dogs follow me, and I cannot share a sidewalk side-by-side with 3 large dogs, we won't fit.
When I saw the methods he uses to "correct" dog behavior, I couldn't imagine why I would want to do any of those things. Never have used physical punishment, don't intend to start now.

I'm constantly amazed when I look at the dogs I live with. I love German Sheps, always have. Have had rescues my whole life - rescue sheps for 25 yrs. I look at these powerful dogs, and I sometimes am in awe when I think of what they're capable of - both good and bad. Why would I want to do anything - ANYTHING - that might bring out the worst in them? The thing is tho, dogs will usually use biting as the absolutely last resort, but I don't ever EVER want to betray that trust and respect I've worked so hard to build -- not only because they have powerful jaws and teeth, but because I feel about them the way I want them to feel about me.
I couldn't watch any of the videos again, I remember them all too well, had a hard enough time the first time. Sadly, there is one of Cesar's biggest mentor's who has a big ranch/complex near where I live (maybe 50 miles away). She's been featured on his show several times, working with dogs, blah blah blah. She had a show on local cable here, and the first time I saw her, I was appalled - what I saw her doing was nothing short of cruel. If anyone came even close to doing what she did to my dog, the police would have probably been called - on me!! I haven't watched his show in years, I can't. I find it sad that his fan base is still so huge. I also find it sad that people's first reaction to so many situations is "call Cesar", as if he's the only and almighty resource. Sadly, he's a self-proclaimed rescource. In what other body of work can one proclaim oneself an authority with only self-teaching, and have a huge tv following and become a celebrity? He's dealing with a living, breathing, thinking, feeling being - and yet, to so many, including some on this forum, it doesn't matter. He smiles, he charms, and because it works, it must be true. If you knock a person around enough times, they too will become too scared to continue doing a particular something. That works too. And if you smile while you do it - I guess it makes it right. No - it does not.
Again - science has proven his methods are detrimental. But as long as advertisers are paying, people are buying, and the dogs keep on coming (and paying with their lives), then Cesar's bank account can keep growing, he can keep smiling for the cameras, and traveling, and showing the world how to ssshhhh their dominant dogs. Sad.