New profile posts

Love your signature - the little chat between you and chewie. Made me laugh....!
When a dog spends more time growling that wagging his tail I feel that it's his time.. if only my mom would agree.
Hi Anneke, nice to see you on here again! How are you all?
Thanks! We are very well. Glad to be back!
Poor Zac, I sure hope his new medications help him, he's such a darling, I can really feel for him, though happy to say I've feeling a little better. Leaf's doing well with her chain, it's the longest she's ever been asked to learn.

Take care Zac and all my best wishes to your speedy recovery, it's not funny having to take all those meds!
Reactions: running_dog
Zac is glad you are feeling better :-)
I'm looking forward to seeing Leaf's chain, this challenge is going to be very exciting seeing what people come up with.
Still sick, this virus will drive me mad! Still training though, Leaf will NOT permit me to forget that!
Thank you for the follow. We're 'half way' through our chain for the crawl. I'm really sick still, so makes training a bit difficult, but hey we'll get there - Leaf's determined not to miss out!
Reactions: running_dog
You're welcome :-)
Glad you're getting on with the crawl challenge. Sorry you are still not well - Zac will empathise with you, I thought he was going to get the all clear from the vet today instead he has another 3 medications :-(
I don't have internet at home and don't know when it'll be turned back on. I'm on my schools wifi right now.
Hey I notice you haven't been on forever.Where you able to get you dog? It's gotten really slow around here lately and me and other DTA members would love if you would come back.
It's nice of you to notice! No, I haven't gotten a dog yet, but I've saved up enough money and I am going to try to find a dog sometime in June! (Waiting for the SPCA to find Border Collie Pups, or going to look for a breeder!)
How are the dogs doing. Hope everything is well and hope you'll stop by DTA and give us an update on them.
Hey all! I'm back! Will try and catch up the trick challenge and everything else tomorrow!