New profile posts

I've been really busy with exams, but now that school is out, I'm back! :)
I hope your exams have gone well.
It is GREAT to have you back!
Working on a really cool and we think fairly original trick : )
Reactions: kassidybc
That sounds exciting, can't wait for you to share... Veronica and you come up with really cool tricks :-)
Thank you running-dog! I think this one is pretty cool but I'm biased : ) Posting it now.
It's tough, darned tough, I too remember Darkie, the first dog I remember having to put to sleep. Just be kind on yourself, and remember the Dog's Prayer. Chase will look peaceful, as if he's just in a deep, pain free sleep. Stay with him for a while and know his soul will cross the Bridge safely. Write me as much and whenever you want. I'm here for you.
Danielle, am so sad over Chase. If you want to write to me, please feel free to, as I know and understand what you're going through. I know words do not and will not take the place of having Chase with you, but sometimes it helps to have another shoulder to lean on. All my love hugs Mary
Thank you MaryK. This is the first dog that I remember putting to sleep. I really appreciate the offer and will take you up on it.
New trick challenge has been posted :-) Sorry I'm busy at the moment so I'm not on here as much as I'd like.
Hope to post the new trick challenge in the next couple of days, sorry I'm late - just really busy at the moment
Hi :) hoping to learn, so i can teach!!
Reactions: running_dog
Why not join in one of our trick challenges? In a trick challenge we all train the same trick at once and help each other. The challenges are a great way to learn and to teach though helping each other and our dogs to understand new tricks :-) You'll find them in our "training challenge" forum
Thank you for the follow. Sorry for the delay in replying but we've had massive ISP problems, hopefully resolved now. Love your cutie pie, will look in intro post I'm so behind!
Having major problems with our ISP, not sure if emails from DTA bounced, but if pos. plse keep sending, e/mail now slowly, as are pages, crawling thu. Sorry for all this.
still missing you... We all hope that you come back some day. You're post are still helping people with their problem dogs. Missy has also made a lot of progress thanks to your help.