New profile posts

Longe time since we been in here. We really need to learn our new guy some trix! He´s got the energy of 100 dogs! What should we teach him?
I'm SO happy you're back!!!! We've all missed you!!! I was about to send out a search party - where have you been?? It hasn't been the same without out!!!! Don't go MIA again without posting something, a few of us were worried!
Sorry!! :p I was really busy with school, and didn't have much time for anything else. I promise that I'm back now though. :)
She's a real cutie pie. Hope pm. got thru, got error mes. but seemed 2 go thru. will be off 2morrow, vets.
kenny j
kenny j
Thank you and yes I did get the message and responded. Any help you can provide me would be great. Thanks!
Please pardon if I don't respond quickly to posts. Rakins is having his ultrasound tomorrow, suspect cancer, am so upset