//"LOL choice of chasing me or chasing bunny? Zac will chase the bunny first and then chase me with the bunny in his mouth"//
ditto for my dog, too...
yes, my last dog, Toby, and the dog before him, both had marvelous recall, Craig could sic the dog onto a bunny or cat, and
just as the dog got too close, Craig could recall the dog back to him. Worked every time, and Craig much enjoyed doing this, and showing this off to his pals. He also enjoyed bragging on this, and i suspect, those old memories/reflex almost, a lifetime of being able to sic his dog onto prey,
are some small sliver of the reason i am having sooooooo much trouble getting Craig to STOP trying to sic Buddy onto prey.

Like i said, i do think training some men is harder than training dogs. (sorry to any guy reading this, is a joke)
we sort of took it for granted, that we would be able to do this with any dog....til we met Buddy...if i had KNOWN how difficult it would be to recall Buddy off of chasing prey,
i can look back, and spot some mistakes i made raising him, i can NOW, in hindsight, spot a few moments i could have handled things differently, to prevent this whole thing from getting as bad off as he is now...

If i had read Rdog's posts on this
a few years ago, i *might* not be having the problem i have now....
The first year or so i had Buddy, i COULD call him off prey. And always having dogs we could call off of prey, i took it for granted,and made mistakes.
and i have made mistakes.
I was at park with geese, and Buddy was offleash, as he always was back then,
and he ran towards a goose, and i called him back, as the goose dove into the river.
Second time, Buddy ran after a goose, as the goose got close to the small cliff where the river was, i called Buddy back,and of course, Buddy returned to me. He ALWAYS did back then.
Third goose, here is my mistake. I now stoooopidly think, that NOW Buddy has seen the small cliff, and has seen the river, and now, i stoooooopidly think, Buddy will stop his own self at the edge of the river.
Well, i said nothing as Buddy ran after that 3rd goose,
and i saw Buddy pause for a second, listening for my call, he heard nothing, and he jumped into the river after the goose.

Telling the story today, i realize how stooopid i was.
"something" changed in Buddy's mind that day. He crossed a line, he crossed "some line" in his lil doggie mind, he learned the thrill of an independent chase,

which is so self rewarding

and addictive.

Also, i do think Craig egging Buddy to chase prey

is also working against my efforts.
and now, i now have a dog i can not call off of prey.
Rdog, i am still reading and re-reading your last post on page before this one.....