I have a small jack Russell, she stands about 12" high from head to paw, I began working on the counting trick yesterday. I opted to go with the start/stop barking technique to show counting.
I got all my info from the Internet and I began teaching by getting her to bark by saying speak and holding my index finger up as the hand signal, when I want her to stop, I make a closed fist. So far this is successful but I have to keep saying "Speak" or she will just stop barking.
As far as a subtitle cue, I am lost. While I'm doing my verbal cue and hand signal listed above, I also look down at her with my head tilted down (chin on chest) and when I want her to stop I lift my head and stop looking at her. Also, since she is so small I began teaching her with her on my bed.
My question is, I don't think my subtitle cue is very good becaus I often look down at her when I am teaching other tricks, what can I use for a subtile cue for a hyper JRT? I can't do the "Look in right eye, then break eye contact" becaus she is constantly moving while I'm trying to teach things. I really want to get this trick because whn I was little, my aunt taught her Terrier how to count and never told me how she did it, but as I remember, her dog was calm and collective. However, my dg is not. Sometimes she will even do tricks before I command them. It's like she will just do one until its right but that's only when I'm showing her off.
I really need help with this. I am aware that it will take some patience and time which I am willing to do. I spend every day with her so we have a great relationship. Any tips would gladly be appreciated.