Lol Dogster we always derail every thread!! It's a side trip of amusement.
Isis eats grass too and she's never puked from it though I always heard that why they eat it too. She just clips the tops of the tall tuffs though no farthur down on the stems. When I see her eating it she gets, "Hey moo cow stop mowing my yard." She usually stops after that. Silly dog.
Kratos has a love for peaches. Moose must of taught him how to get them from the greenhouse and I'll find the pits ALL over the office when they're in season. I just remember seeing Kratos come back inside with a peach in the house and my mom asking, "Ash, why are all my peaches missing?" "Ask the dogs mom." "Which one of you are EATING ALL MY PEACHES!?" XD I had to close off the green house so they couldn't get inside and eat all of them. I always bring Kratos back one when they are in season however.
Chloe is also the only dog I know that love the taste of oranges and lemons. I'll peel them and share with her. It's really strange

On a more on topic type deal.... I don't feed weight baring bones (rec bones) because they can split really apart, crack teeth and the dogs have to watched so nothing bad happens which I just don't have the time for. They also aren't really for more aggressive chewers like my pack is.