Post Your Pic!!


Honored Member
I LOVE your pictures Rdog!!!! You're right!!!! You can tell that Gus knows he's not supposed to be there.... Hahaha!!!!:ROFLMAO:

Oliver's pictures are AWESOME, Sara!!!!!! He definately LOVES the snow!!!!! I LOVE the snowballs on his face!!!!! TOO CUTE!!!!:love:


Honored Member
OMG SOOO CUTE!!!! AND SOOO DIRTY!!!! The firt pic of Jenny is just adorable!!!!:LOL: I LOVE how you took pictures right when they were jumping in the air!!!! It looks GREAT!!!!:ROFLMAO: Bella looks sooo peaceful when she's sleeping...


Honored Member
OK, there will be A LOT of pictures in this post (hehe):ROFLMAO: But first, the story behind them all (not exactly a story....) So, today Dogcrazy and I went to the BEST dog park in the area. It's called Totoredaca dog park. We took a BUNCH of pics. Dogcrazy FELL IN LOVE with this Border Collie (they said she was a mix), Daisy, who looks almost EXACTLY like Hero!!!! (Sara Carson's amazing and talented dog:)) So she took A LOT of pictures of her. OK, I'm writing to much. Here are the pictures!!!!:LOL:

Daisy the Border Collie (mix???):)

Shivon and Carmel having a good ol' time....





Honored Member
OK, I promise, these are the last ones!!!!:oops:

LOVE this pic:):love:

The three of them playing together (looks painful!!!):confused:


Shivon acting, well, like Shivon:)
Dog version of a french kissO_o

WARNING: This image is rated PG-14 and may not be suitable for younger audiences. Parental discretion is advised.:eek: (OH MY DOG!!!!)
VERY thirsty dogs:p:panting:

We had an AMAZING time!!!!!:ROFLMAO:


Honored Member
Oh My Dog!!!! Just ADORABLE!!!! I LOVE them!!!!! They really love eachother!!!!:love::love::LOL:
How did you get them soo tired????:eek:


Experienced Member
I'm lucky those 2 are more laid back in their nature than BCs normally are not as hyper as such, plus done some training and fetch not long ago. So they nice and tired after using their brains.

plus its midnight - just looked at the clock lol wow thats late


Honored Member
And it does seem like they're more laid back than other Border Collies. Zara, on the other hand....:ROFLMAO:


Experienced Member
Yep, you couldn't get a more opposite dog to Bella and Jenny than Zara than if you went looking for one lol.
Bella and Jenny are so alike. Zara not so much :ROFLMAO:


Honored Member
Haha!!! It's just GREAT that they have eachother!!!!:LOL: Shivon doesn't have any other dogs to play with, so you should see how miserable she gets when she doesn't get to go to the dog park on weekends.:rolleyes: Oh, and I forgot to mention, Bella's face in the picturre is too funny!!!!:ROFLMAO::sleep:


Honored Member
AWWWwwwww!!!! ADORABLE!!!! Bella sure LOVES that toy!!!!:LOL: The pics are SOOO FUNNY!!!! LOL!!!:ROFLMAO: In the 2nd pic, Bella looks like she's saying " Mum, I'm not killing it; honest!!!"


Experienced Member
Lol yep she does love it. My mum keeps saying I spoil her but as soon as I saw it in the pet shop I knew I had to get it. She liked squeaking it - it has one in its head and tail, also a rattle thing in tail too. And the body is rope not stuffin so its a great toy.