Too funny!! Petfinder has been banned in my home by my boyfriend. He says 2 dogs and 2 cats is enough for one apartment... pfft what does he know. He also banned the animal rescue shows on animal planet cuz he got tired of coming home with me crying while watching them...Baaaaah breakdown...
Mistake #1: Went to Petfinder
Mistake #2: Actually clicked on dogs that caught my eye
Mistake #3: Allowed the page(s) to load...
Mistake #4: Read about the dogs that caught my eye....
Conclusion: I need therapy. And to remove the p, e, t, f, i, n, d, and r keys from my keyboard. From now on everyone will just have to insert those letters accordingly and guess what I'm trying to say.
Hey Tif, Thanksthis is my camera (although its black not silver)
I wanna get an slr camera eventually
Does yours have a macro setting??? that helps with close ups.