Honored Member
Yea, our backyard is fully fenced and the dogs have constant free access to it.if so, another option, might be, after a walk,
bring Holly right through house, onleash,
and let her out into backyard til she releases all her excitement about her walk.
I actually always bring Holly through the back gate after walks and let her off the leash so she can pee before she goes inside.
I have tried doing a training session straight after the walk, we trained for about 20 minutes, then I let her go and she still did the crash into Paris thing (and Paris had even walked into the room while we were training so Holly had already seen her, but she wont break a training session to crash into Paris - Holly has great focus during training at home).
I'll try keeping her on the leash and just calmly sitting down (without doing any tricks because that didn't seem to help when I tried it before).
I have tried to do the yawn and slow blink stuff before and Holly didn't even seem to notice but I'll try some more.
Last night I kept treats in my pocket and managed to catch her being calm once, but after that she knew I had food so she alternated between trying to get to my pocket (just accidentally nudging it ), steering at me, climbing on me and offering tricks, lol.
She mostly sat on the chairs arm rest and steered at me and my pocket until she put her chin on my knee (she was still thinking about the food because normally she does not sit on people), she eventually fell asleep like that, but the falling asleep made her lose her balance and she fell off onto the floor
That certainly woke her up
She really does have amazing focus when it comes to food. She is extremely food motivated.
Then she went and lay on the floor, but was still thinking about the food because as soon as my hand went near my pocket her head shot up
Holly eats plastic so I've been reluctant to try a treatball because I can imagine her deciding to just chew the plastic to get to the treats rather than rolling it around. I put treats in a plastic milk bottle once, instead of trying to get them out by shaking it or pushing it around she just tried to eat the plastic to get to the treats so I had to take it off her.How about keeping her busy in a different way. Redirect as to say. Maybe a treatball would help? It would give her the chance to chase, push, jump on, burn her energy, but stay focused on that ball, instead of Paris?
She does get a kong or chew in the evening but I could put all her breakfast in treatball for during the day (she only has about 1 cup or food (including training treats) per day)
Do you think she will be able to chew a treat ball or should it be ok?
Yeah, now I just need to un-cross my legs and her head pops up to see if I'm about to stand up, then if I do stand up she will get up.I had a chuckle when you said you can't treat Holly for lying down, because she gets up when you get up. That is exactly what Jinx does. No matter how deep she sleeps, when I get up, she gets up
Especially if I go in the direction of the kitchen, she cannot leave me in the kitchen alone , it's like she thinks what if I decide to give her a treat and she's not their?