Thank you for asking. Ra Kismet started to vomit a lot, plus sloopy poos and wasn't 'himself'. He was due for his annual injections for heart worm etc. so trip to the vet. He did have a temp, the low side of 'high'/dangerous and the vet, who wasn't fully informed at the time, said he had a 'tummy bug'. Found out later, by chance saw an email from partner to his mother when I was searching for a sent one of my own, that apparently Ra Kismet had eaten what my partner suspected (by the smell apparently) was Rat Poison!!!!!!!!!!! Didn't tell me, as he thought I would be worried!!!!!!!!!!!
Won't say what my reaction to that was, but it wasn't pleasant, that's for sure!
So another trip to the vets, as some Rat Poisons can stay in the body for weeks, oh boy!!!!!!!!!!
Have noticed Ra Kismet is reluctant to do 'sit pretty' - it's not one of his fav trick but......maybe I'm over reacting but will be glad when he's seen the vet again and the vet is told the WHOLE UNVARNISHED truth - not 'Ra Kismet ate something when out for a walk and vomited it up immediately' as my partner informed the vet on the last visit.
I have changed his food, again partner (men don't even mention them to me at present) bought different food as it was 'on special', not sure if that caused the further vomiting but must say, having stated with great firmness and clarity that Ra Kismet was NOT having that, that the vomiting has stopped since he's back on his normal diet.
The hind legs though, need the vet to check them, as I'm just not sure if it's Ra Kismet being 'lazy' with sit pretty (he's prone to that) or the after effects of the suspected Rat Poisoning.