New Member
Hi everyone! I'm SO excited to have stumbled on this site! I'm the fairly new "Mom" of a now 16 week old Vizsla puppy named Baccio, and have frantically been teaching him every trick I can think of- he LOVES learning new things, and it has done WONDERS for keeping him out of trouble! We've mastered come, sit, stay, down, off, leave it, crawl, hide and seek, shake, high 5, give mommy kisses, roll over, go under, go over, go around, in your crate, and we're working on moonwalk- but I'm totally out of ideas!- I can't wait to start watching all the lessons on the site and getting tips from all of you
I look forward to chatting with you all,
"Baccio's Mom"

I look forward to chatting with you all,
"Baccio's Mom"