Experienced Member
Yes, you can click the iclicker style with any pressure. You can use your mouth, your foot, your knee or elbow, or any place where you can squeeze hard enough. I do advise getting the real iclickers, since I find them to be a bit softer in noise and require a bit less pressure than the chinese rip-offs. The iclickers I have gotten seem to me to be significantly softer in noise than the box clickers. In fact, I've seen this as a complaint in some of the reviews of iclickers on Amazon. You should definitely give the iclicker a try.Yeah, i need to get one of those protruding button kind...i wonder, can one click them with your mouth? when i was teaching Buddy to hold his one paw on his forehead, for "headache"
i did it by first, holding his paw,
and then, luring him to put his face UNDER that paw, to get a treat,
but, as you can picture,
i now had no hand left to CLICK!
and my box-clicker is still too loud to click by his head, either, even though i have added some tape to it to soften the noise down a bit........but i could not use either hand, both hands so close to his head, to click my box clicker.
what i ended up doing, was, for the lure---i ended up holding an upside down cup, which had some scents inside of it, and had the cup over a clicker, as the lure...then i could click Buddy for his putting his head under his paw, cuz cup muffled the click enough.
I tried it with my mouth. While not really comfortable, I was able to do it and then I had to treat the dogs, since they heard a click
I get my thumb stuck in the box clickers