Please do; now I'm curious!!!!!I might have to get a video of the Skye husky then She is so funny
I was going to ask the same question. I thought the same thing J & V, it was in the editing of the vid.Oh...WOW!!!
Here I was thinking it was some sort of video editing program that just kept the moving parts and wiped everything else out. I suppose that's not possible, but I am not very technologically adept.
You really put ALLOT of work into perfecting those videos. It's a really eye catching, neat effect!!!
Thank You J & V LOL oh yes, he's like that with life in general. But tricks and soccer he just ADORES Took a little bit to actually calm him down LOL at times he got a little too excited, which put me in a 'dangerous' positionNice job MaryK!!
I like Ra's enthusiasm, "I can do it!!! I CAN DO IT!! Get outa my way and let me do it"!!!
Also thought it was neat the way he didn't just touch, but kept his paw on the ball.
Thank you Dogster That's my boy, always enthusiastic about life. A real tonicGREAT video!!!! LOVE the enthusiasm!!! He did really well!!!
Nice hair, btw!!
Thank you Jean. That's what I LOVE about the trick challenges, thinking of a creative way to present a trickGreat video! I love the creativity in using a ball That's what it's all about!
Thank you Jackie LOL he sure is one VERY enthusiastic boy! Wait? "erh Aunty Jackie that just doesn't compute in my head!"Very cute!! Love Rakins' enthusiasm, he just can't wait!!, and I esp love his draping his paw over the ball, that's my fav!!! (and seems to be his trademark move) And I agree, cute hair, too!