New profile posts

Did you figure out what breed of dog Piper is yet?
Fun! I love American Bulldogs, they're such cuties! :) How is Chase doing? Haven't heard much about him lately....
He's not doing well. He's pretty much a skeleton with skin draped on him and his back legs have gotten really bad. It used to be just one back leg now both. He falls down a lot. When he's standing he can barely hold himself up. The poor boy's mind is going. As of right now though he's not in pain and he's happy... So we're taking it day by day.
Oh man, I'm so sorry to hear that. I'm glad that he's at least happy and not pain at the moment. 17 years old is pretty good for a dog. I'll be praying for him and for you and your family.
How is training going with Brody.
We had a very busy December. While teaching my two youngest, I had to paint the walls on my kitchen, living room and stairway. Then we had guests staying with us for Christmas and New Years, so training has been on hold for a while. Brody did okay with all of the visitors, but not as well as I had hoped.
Sounds busy. I'm glad Brody did okay. I'm sure with you as his owner he will get better with time.
Hi! I've been doing great! And so is Chloe! How have you and Missy been doing?
I'm glad she's doing better with cars! I know you've been working with her for so long on that. It's all about baby steps! She sure is lucky to have someone like you who is so devoted about helping her! :)
I'm glad too! I wouldn't want her to get hit by a car by letting her off leash too soon! Where I live I don't have a fenced in backyard or fenced in park, so I'm being extra careful.
I tried starting a conversation with you, were you able to see it? I can't figure out how to get to it now, haha!
Hey Southern! How have you been?
I've decided to keep her on her long line for a while yet again and hopefully she'll realize at some point that she's still 'connected' to me with her 6' leash dragging... one good thing though is that 1. she didn't go far and 2. I didn't panic (until she was heading towards a part of the school yard that has an opening)...
She's making huge progress though! <3 :)
I'm doing good. And I'm so glad that Missy is improving. Cheers!!!
Mary asked me to please let everyone know her computer is down and as soon as it's fixed, she'll be back on DTA.
Omg... I am cooking a duck for Thanksgiving. it smells way better than turkey! I've never had duck, so hoping it's as good as it smells!
Rory learned how to blow bubbles in water, so now he's learning how to blow bubbles by barking! (Using a bubble wand)
I'd love to see that! Be sure to post a video when he learns it!!