New profile posts

Again I have to ask everyone to forgive me if I'm a bit slow in responding to posts. Zeus is sick hospitalized at the vets for two days,
Chloe earned her Novice Trick Dog title! Not very impressive, but you have to start somewhere! Next stop- Intermediate Trick Dog! :)
Kalispera, nomizo eimai i alli Ellinida tou forum :). Meno ston Oropo kai exo 3 skilous kai 1 gato.
Reactions: farwyn
Hey ! Pane ligo 10 aiwnes apo thn teleutaia fora p mphka alla xarhka gia th gnwrimia haha !
Zipper learned his first trick! Swim through the hoop! It only took him a couple days to learn!
Reactions: MissyBC
Who is Zipper? Cute name!
@MissyBC Zipper is my betta fish that I am teaching tricks.
Chase is becoming a danger to my little brother. :( If he bites my lil bro and breaks skin he is done. :(
Oh and Chase does get put up right when he starts to bark or growl, but it's annoying because the whole time he's up he whines. He hates being alone. But we don't think about putting him up when Aaron is hugging my mom or were rough housing.
OH NO! Just saw this... :'( I hope things work out for you guys.
I hope so too. I'm thinking of having Aaron doing some training with him. I would say walks too but Chase would just drag him.
are you going to do that video?
Reactions: Tâmara Vaz
If you give me to Monday I can have the puppy a video in. Though all she knows is the basic stuff.
Tâmara Vaz
Tâmara Vaz
I'm so busy that I haven't been much around DTA, because I started college. So, in middle September I'll be on vacation then I'll retake DTA Video project. Sorry for taking so long.
I understand.
Sam our beloved pet who suffered severe seizures and has to be put to sleep in our arms. 10 years old. RIP forever in our hearts..
Gonna teach Bella the stomach rebound and the knee vault, anyone recommend any good tuitorials?
Two more days and we'll know if our pooches made it into Pet Valu's 2014 calendar! :)