Honored Member
Yo! I'm Zeus, The Big Kahuna, hero to my pesky little bro Ra Kismet and brother of my late much loved sister Tiger Lily.
My name: Well my Fur Mom's humans must have been a tad confused over their Greek Gods, because she was named Zeus! So what else could my furver Mom call me but Zeus!
My Sex: I'm an entire male, I was supposed to be a stud but that didn't eventuate and I'm a bit too 'old' for 'that' operation now. Besides, I don't do any of the 'male' things, like marking my territory in the house, just all the trees, blades of grass and anything upright, outside on walks, so Mom isn't worried.
Age: I'm a 'young' almost 12 years.
D.O.B. April 29 2001
Favorite Foods: FOOD!!!!!!! I now even eat fruit (cuz Ra Kismet does and I'm not going to be left out). But I won't eat anything new until Mom has 'tried it', just in case it's been poisoned. Mom says I'm like the olden day Kings, need a taster first. Well a chap cannot be too careful can he??
Favorite Games: Destroying socks, jocks and balls, I have a 'scientific mind' and like to find out what makes balls bounce, and what socks and jocks are made of. I of course use my teeth and NO I'm not getting better with age either! Don't bother throwing a ball for me, my motto is "You thru it you go fetch it wadda you think I am - your slave".
Siblings: Two cats! Yes two, Maeve and HRH Sylvannia Faery Kitten, my pesky younger Bro Ra Kismet and a bird Monet. (I do actually love young Ra Kismet but chap has to show who's boss, especially when he was a puppy, he'd chew my tail and my um how shall I put this delicately 'my boy bits' OUCH!). Bet he didn't put that in his profile!
Favorite Pastime: Car rides, road trips, more car rides,. I was literally born in a car, so no surprise I adore cars. Sleeping, putting my scientific mind to work (dad don't leave those socks or jocks laying around). And I've recently taken up tricks, well the easy ones, not into agility, my late beloved sister Tiger Lily was Queen of Agility and Ball Fetching and finding.
I also suffer from Cushings Dis-ease but hey, don't ever think that's a life sentence, I'm living breathing proof, that it's not. Mom has me on DOGtor X Formula and my coat is grand, I don't shake, my tum rarely bloats now and I now have normal urination (no more embarrassing 'accidents'), no excess drinking and I don't thieve any more, Cushings makes you ravenously hungry, so you tend to thieve everything in sight! My back legs are as strong as ever too! I've all my old energy back and love to go walkies, am almost back to full on long walks now! It's so good to be out, meeting and greeting again, I'm a pretty laid back bomb proof chap, nothing really phases me, so walks are grand as I meet heaps of people. Even got to play a reindeer at a Christmas Disco!!!!!!!! I'm not into kissy kiss, which Mom say's it good cuz well I do love Kitty Krunches, and even though their potties are well barricaded of late I've been working hard on demolishing the barricades!
Biggest Desire: Demolish the barricade around the cat's lavatories!
Naughty Puppyhood things: Well, my sister and I did love art, so we got into Mom's paints (thankfully the acrylics) and did some body painting, wall painting, floor painting and furniture painting. Also we were both great readers and 'read' the entire chapter in a book of Chinese Astrology - The Year of the Dog - what else we would bother with. Oh yes, and the ending to a good 'who dunnit'. Yellow cushions were a particular fav of ours to destroy, so Mom had to change the entire color decor of the sitting room. Gardening was another sport we enjoyed. Helping with the washing, we had a grand time playing tug with all of Mom's jeans, well saved her having to wash them didn't it! Even though Mom kept us busy, she said we were the two very naughty puppies, but we 'matured' around 11 months, so all's well that ends well - apart from my scientific bent re socks, jocks and balls. Oh yes, and I did recently help myself to the contents of the refridgerator (darn Ra Kismet alerted Mom, the snitch). Well Dad didn't close it properly and the magnet thingee isn't working well, so I thought he'd left it open for me to serve myself, saving Mom the trouble of feeding me. Obvious to any dog really, but apparently, not quite so obvious to the humans. The refridgerator now has a 'child proof' lock - and so far I've not been able to figure out that one
My Trick List.
1. Sit.
2. Stand.
3. Stay (though I seem to have 'senior moments now).
4. Shake paw.
5. Drop.
6. Loose lead Walking.
7. Heel work (I'm really good at this).
8. Double Shake Paws with Ra Kismet.
9. Double Drop with Ra Kismet.
10. Drop while Mom holds a hoop and Ra Kismet jumps through the hoop them plonks his paw on me (often my head
11. In (inside or go into another room)
12. Come (though I'm not keen on the great outdoors so come easily).
13. Move over (when I'm taking up the entire sofa).
14. Down
15. Back walking
16. Back sitting (I wiggle back)
17. Crawl a work in progress.
18. Weave definitely a work in progress (we're not doing so well on weave at present)
19. Leave not my best trick
20. Wearing 'dress up' things like a Reindeer outfit.
21. Peek-a-boo
22. Walk in Peek-a-boo.
O.K. it's not the most impressive trick list but hey I'm a cool dude on the lead, no silly business, so that makes up for not being a 'trick dog' don't you think?
Going to upload videos and photos tomorrow, Mom needs to get to bed soon.
Mom's finally uploading my video and pictures!
Here I am strutting my stuff!
Did you see how Ra Kismet tried to steal my thunder?
But I've got amazing focus, so he didn't succeed! 
Mr Cool!
Wearing Sun Shades!
Using my Scientific Mind!
I just LOVE exploring the inner side of things!
It's my passion!
Just me, looking handsome
Please note - NO mud! I'm a dapper dude

My name: Well my Fur Mom's humans must have been a tad confused over their Greek Gods, because she was named Zeus! So what else could my furver Mom call me but Zeus!
My Sex: I'm an entire male, I was supposed to be a stud but that didn't eventuate and I'm a bit too 'old' for 'that' operation now. Besides, I don't do any of the 'male' things, like marking my territory in the house, just all the trees, blades of grass and anything upright, outside on walks, so Mom isn't worried.
Age: I'm a 'young' almost 12 years.
D.O.B. April 29 2001
Favorite Foods: FOOD!!!!!!! I now even eat fruit (cuz Ra Kismet does and I'm not going to be left out). But I won't eat anything new until Mom has 'tried it', just in case it's been poisoned. Mom says I'm like the olden day Kings, need a taster first. Well a chap cannot be too careful can he??
Favorite Games: Destroying socks, jocks and balls, I have a 'scientific mind' and like to find out what makes balls bounce, and what socks and jocks are made of. I of course use my teeth and NO I'm not getting better with age either! Don't bother throwing a ball for me, my motto is "You thru it you go fetch it wadda you think I am - your slave".
Siblings: Two cats! Yes two, Maeve and HRH Sylvannia Faery Kitten, my pesky younger Bro Ra Kismet and a bird Monet. (I do actually love young Ra Kismet but chap has to show who's boss, especially when he was a puppy, he'd chew my tail and my um how shall I put this delicately 'my boy bits' OUCH!). Bet he didn't put that in his profile!
Favorite Pastime: Car rides, road trips, more car rides,. I was literally born in a car, so no surprise I adore cars. Sleeping, putting my scientific mind to work (dad don't leave those socks or jocks laying around). And I've recently taken up tricks, well the easy ones, not into agility, my late beloved sister Tiger Lily was Queen of Agility and Ball Fetching and finding.
I also suffer from Cushings Dis-ease but hey, don't ever think that's a life sentence, I'm living breathing proof, that it's not. Mom has me on DOGtor X Formula and my coat is grand, I don't shake, my tum rarely bloats now and I now have normal urination (no more embarrassing 'accidents'), no excess drinking and I don't thieve any more, Cushings makes you ravenously hungry, so you tend to thieve everything in sight! My back legs are as strong as ever too! I've all my old energy back and love to go walkies, am almost back to full on long walks now! It's so good to be out, meeting and greeting again, I'm a pretty laid back bomb proof chap, nothing really phases me, so walks are grand as I meet heaps of people. Even got to play a reindeer at a Christmas Disco!!!!!!!! I'm not into kissy kiss, which Mom say's it good cuz well I do love Kitty Krunches, and even though their potties are well barricaded of late I've been working hard on demolishing the barricades!
Biggest Desire: Demolish the barricade around the cat's lavatories!
Naughty Puppyhood things: Well, my sister and I did love art, so we got into Mom's paints (thankfully the acrylics) and did some body painting, wall painting, floor painting and furniture painting. Also we were both great readers and 'read' the entire chapter in a book of Chinese Astrology - The Year of the Dog - what else we would bother with. Oh yes, and the ending to a good 'who dunnit'. Yellow cushions were a particular fav of ours to destroy, so Mom had to change the entire color decor of the sitting room. Gardening was another sport we enjoyed. Helping with the washing, we had a grand time playing tug with all of Mom's jeans, well saved her having to wash them didn't it! Even though Mom kept us busy, she said we were the two very naughty puppies, but we 'matured' around 11 months, so all's well that ends well - apart from my scientific bent re socks, jocks and balls. Oh yes, and I did recently help myself to the contents of the refridgerator (darn Ra Kismet alerted Mom, the snitch). Well Dad didn't close it properly and the magnet thingee isn't working well, so I thought he'd left it open for me to serve myself, saving Mom the trouble of feeding me. Obvious to any dog really, but apparently, not quite so obvious to the humans. The refridgerator now has a 'child proof' lock - and so far I've not been able to figure out that one

My Trick List.
1. Sit.
2. Stand.
3. Stay (though I seem to have 'senior moments now).
4. Shake paw.
5. Drop.
6. Loose lead Walking.
7. Heel work (I'm really good at this).
8. Double Shake Paws with Ra Kismet.
9. Double Drop with Ra Kismet.
10. Drop while Mom holds a hoop and Ra Kismet jumps through the hoop them plonks his paw on me (often my head

11. In (inside or go into another room)
12. Come (though I'm not keen on the great outdoors so come easily).
13. Move over (when I'm taking up the entire sofa).
14. Down
15. Back walking
16. Back sitting (I wiggle back)
17. Crawl a work in progress.
18. Weave definitely a work in progress (we're not doing so well on weave at present)
19. Leave not my best trick

20. Wearing 'dress up' things like a Reindeer outfit.
21. Peek-a-boo
22. Walk in Peek-a-boo.
O.K. it's not the most impressive trick list but hey I'm a cool dude on the lead, no silly business, so that makes up for not being a 'trick dog' don't you think?
Going to upload videos and photos tomorrow, Mom needs to get to bed soon.
Mom's finally uploading my video and pictures!
Here I am strutting my stuff!
Did you see how Ra Kismet tried to steal my thunder?

Mr Cool!

Using my Scientific Mind!
I just LOVE exploring the inner side of things!

Just me, looking handsome

Please note - NO mud! I'm a dapper dude