Glad to see we are not the only ones that have dogs in bed

Cooper has been banished from the bed by Jinx. Well, not banished, but he just does not have enough room to sleep with us. And he gets too warm, so he sleeps either in the livingroom or underneath the desk in the office. Sometimes he will sleep on one of the dogbeds in the bedroom. But he just likes his space

Jinx sleeps at the bottom end of the bed or on one of the dogbeds. Now the weather is getting warmer, she spends the night on the floor and as soon as my boyfriend gets up in the morning, she will take his place.
When my alarmclock goes off, I get goodmorning kisses, first from Jinx and most of the time Cooper will come up for a cuddle too.
I love having my dogs close to me.
And it is very natural behaviour as you see dogs in a pack curl up together too