Thanks for link and info, Sara, i didn't want to misguide Dogster on that punkin, and let her end up with a dog as sick as i stupidly let MY dog case punkin makes some kinds of diarrhea worse for some dogs, i just don't know. I know it is great for constipated dogs, though.
My dog's diarrhea stopped when i stopped feeding him solid foods as you told me to, Sara, and i gave the tablespoon of punkin
after his diarrhea had already stopped, so, it's hard to say, if punkin helped my dog or not, really. I'm not sure.
THANK YOU SO MUCH Sara, for helping my dog, without you jumping in and telling me to stop feeding solid food, i shiver to think how much sicker Buddy might have gotten over the weekend.........
but the Pediasure really did perk him up, from looking half-dead cuz poor Buddy had a stupid owner who didn't know any better than to keep feeding him as if nothing was wrong, and it helped get Buddy back to a more life-like dog. He also shed like crazy that day, just like crazy, just that one day.

He must have been reeeeally sick.
He is back to normal stools again, and no longer shedding his fur like crazy, so i am hoping it is NOT Giardia, and i am taking a stool to the vet, it is bagged up in the garage, ready to go in the morning. I don't know how long it takes to get a result back.
but i thought since our friends dog did have Giardia, we better check Buddy.
...just to be sure. just to be sure....