this is first year ever ever ever that i did anything for flea/tick. He's never had fleas, never had a dog with fleas, but, we are in woods A LOT and they are chockful of ticks.
This year, the ticks are supposed to be even worse, and it seems true enough, too....YUCK!!
I put a flea/tick collar on him. It was....Hartz Ultra dog collar, cost $5....he's worn it for a few months now, swimming and everything, still seems to be working. (box said it's good for 7 months)
HIs fur covers in entirely, and i've observed no adverse effects. He had about 6 ticks
in the weeks prior, and
zero ticks since i put collar on him. (i have a revulsion for ticks
which there is almost no word strong enough for).
I'm really fussy about not drugging up dogs, (or humans) and i'm against over-vaccinating, avoid almost all drugs for dogs, etc etc.
I never thought
i'd be putting poison collars on my dog,
but, Lymes is real common in my area. And i figured
the treatments for ticks infestation and/or fleas infestation would be even more toxic than the collar would be...