Honored Member
Have started, as per videos on this site, doing warm ups with Ra Kismet before we start tricking.
My question is how long/many should we do of each exercise? I don't want to over work the boy, but by the same token don't want to do too little.
At present he LOVES the back leg stretches but is taking a little longer to adjust to the front legs, we're using click/treat of course and he's not pulling away so fast now. Maybe it's my technique?? Not quite up to scratch??. I NEVER hold his leg, so he can pull away/put it down when HE wants too. Just allow his leg to 'rest' on my hand.
Also can I 'capture" the back stretch as a new 'trick'? He really does get a beautiful line, without me having to do much at all except 'support' his leg by the paw and gently take it back. He will actually increase the stretch himself. Is this 'normal"? Seems like it 'feels really grand' to him when I do this.
My question is how long/many should we do of each exercise? I don't want to over work the boy, but by the same token don't want to do too little.
At present he LOVES the back leg stretches but is taking a little longer to adjust to the front legs, we're using click/treat of course and he's not pulling away so fast now. Maybe it's my technique?? Not quite up to scratch??. I NEVER hold his leg, so he can pull away/put it down when HE wants too. Just allow his leg to 'rest' on my hand.
Also can I 'capture" the back stretch as a new 'trick'? He really does get a beautiful line, without me having to do much at all except 'support' his leg by the paw and gently take it back. He will actually increase the stretch himself. Is this 'normal"? Seems like it 'feels really grand' to him when I do this.