Hi moetrout.....what gets to me is many people here think there is only ONE way. That is simply not true. My use of a shock collar rarely has anything to do with pain or fear. In fact one of it's biggest uses is the TONE fuction for recall. My dog does not go out without the collar on it. I refer to it as the treat collar, because he goes out with it on and when I need him to come in I tone him and he comes running just as he would with a whistle to get his treat. Guess what? I also use a whistle. Why? Because I believe in using all my options.
I will stop now, you don't want me here and I don't really want to be a part of it anymore.
Thank you for letting us know. Shame he/she may have learned something had they stayed on this forum.Just wanted to let everyone know that moetrout has requested his/her account to be deleted, and thus will not receive any more notifications and won't be able to respond to your messages.
Wow...someone is grumpy. LOL I dont see any of the past posts being vomit enducing.
I use a martengale. I use it sparingly. 99% of my training is Positive reenforcement and clicker based. Even when I use the martengale to correct i do so gently and when she does as asked she gets a treat. Not sure what you all will make of that but is what has worked for me.
Gordykins, if you found a cute Martingale you want to get just to use as a cute collar, go right ahead. That's the purpose of Martingale collars. It does sound like Blacknym is using it as a "training collar". I have a Martingale for Makena that I used for years to walk her on, as she's reative. It was recommended by the owner/director of our training facility which is strictly positive reinforcement - she recommends all reactive dogs walk on them so "no accident ever occurs" - meaning, no reactive dog ever slips their collar when out walking and then goes at another dog, or slips their collar and then bolts off and is now running loose in a neighborhood, etc. Feel free to get that cute collar. We also use 1-1/2" - 2" Martingale's (the extra-wide ones used for Greyhounds) for Nosework, kind of as the dog's "working uniform collar" because a collar that wide feels very different around their necks than their usual 1" collar. I put that wide collar on mine and they know it's time to "go search".Wait... I'm confused. I had learned that Martingale collars were to be used as a safety precaution for dogs who have a neck circumference equal to or greater than their head, because it keeps them from being able to slip their collar. It sounds like you are using it as a training collar?
I just ask because I saw some cute Martingale collars on Etsy, and was thinking of getting one for Gordy. Gordy doesn't slip his collar, so I don't really NEED it... but I liked the designs! I didn't think that wearing it would be any different than a flat collar as long as it was adjusted properly, meaning that even when he pulls it tight, it won't fit over his head, but won't be too tight around his neck.Would it be okay for him??
Gordykins, if you found a cute Martingale you want to get just to use as a cute collar, go right ahead. That's the purpose of Martingale collars. It does sound like Blacknym is using it as a "training collar". I have a Martingale for Makena that I used for years to walk her on, as she's reative. It was recommended by the owner/director of our training facility which is strictly positive reinforcement - she recommends all reactive dogs walk on them so "no accident ever occurs" - meaning, no reactive dog ever slips their collar when out walking and then goes at another dog, or slips their collar and then bolts off and is now running loose in a neighborhood, etc. Feel free to get that cute collar. We also use 1-1/2" - 2" Martingale's (the extra-wide ones used for Greyhounds) for Nosework, kind of as the dog's "working uniform collar" because a collar that wide feels very different around their necks than their usual 1" collar. I put that wide collar on mine and they know it's time to "go search".
Go get that cute collar and have fun with it! You know you won't be using it for corrections and that's all that counts.