This is TERRIBLE!!!! I too, along with others on this thread,would like to use the simple leash on the developers! How can any one in their right mind think that by shocking a dog it will stop them over-reacting, pulling or any other unwanted behavior.
Every time the poor dogs sees the leash he'll know he's in for a terrible time. Reactions will be different according to the nature of the dog, but one thing is for certain, all reactions will be totally negative! And they have the nerve to call it Positive Reinforcement. They sound like the people at the awful school I took Ra Kismet too, for just two and a half weeks, no idea what the word
Positive means. Or the word
Reinforcement. Maybe someone should send them a dictionary!
I know the collars are banned here, but I think the shock collars for fences are still allowed. Evie may be able to put me (and everyone else) right on this, but seem to recall seeing in Better Homes and Gardens adds for a 'safe' way to keep your dog inside his own boundaries. It was some kind a 'electric' shock treatment

I dread to think what would have happened had I used this on Ra Kismet after his trauma with the dog attack, he would have more than likely never recovered. Under all the 'machismo' he's a sensitive little chap, very conscious of my moods and anything I do.
As it is, with click/treat and loads of praise plus JACKPOT, in UNDER a month (he started August 5/6), he's already so improved I can hardly believe I'm walking the same traumatized dog who's over reaction was definitely in the tantrum/zoned out totally field. He'd so lost it he bit me, or rather at the lead, missed and bit my hand, not hard , but he didn't even realize what he had/was doing,something he would NEVER do at home, that's how badly traumatized he became. Now he walks like a little angel, and actually looks up at me all hopeful for a treat when a dog barks

(which he still gets).
Would he have done this with a Simple Leash - NO NO NO! And it hasn't even been 'hard work'. It's been pleasurable, fun and an even greater bonding time for both of us both and we already had a very, very strong bond. I love seeing him behave, along with getting to gaze into his beautiful, loving, cheeky eyes, seeing his tail wagging madly and he loves getting treats and praise. And boy does he love both!!! He sure knows what "Aren't you a good boy, I love you" means.
Would he have been like this with a simple leash, no way, I'd have had, if I could have even walked him again, a dog who went into total tantrum, zoned out over reaction, or even worse, one who DELIBERATELY tried to bite me.
The only 'discomfort' is LOL my waterboarded left hand. Ra Kismet does tend to slobber a bit, well it's hot and he pants

. Grass makes a wonderful 'hand washer'
And yes he does 'pull' at times, not hard, but
'hey that's a very interesting smell I need to inspect it a little closer Mom'. Plus he walks on a loose lead all the time and now knows when to 'come close heel left side' when we cross roads. Along with the cue "kerb/wait', then 'o.k.' when it's clear to cross the road. And you should see his little 'hop' of joy, at the same time managing to take his treat, oh so gently (with slobber

None of this would have happened had I been stupid enough to use the simple leash!