I'm so glad it went well, and Rory and you had a great first night and a good time!!!! Isn't it fun?? My bet, he'll keep doing the "meet-n-greet" thing for a bit, but once he really gets into it, and gets more focused, he'll start coming into the room to search (more down the line, when you have a search cue, etc) and just get to work, no time for his adoring fans. Just you wait! It's so cool to see the dogs get to that point - you ask them to "go search" (or whatever your cue is, that happens to be ours) and watch them just go, paying no attention to anyone in the room (or outside, or wherever you happen to be). Once they're finished tho, Makena will still make a fast trip over to people to say hi on her way out.

She can't pass up a few quick pets from all her adoring fans, after all!!
As for a harness, wish I could help - I can't. We use a 2" Martingale as our 'search collar" from this place (they have a HUGE selection)
http://www.2houndsdesign.com/Our-Favorites-c-16.html I think most of the dogs at our facility use 2" Martingales, with very few exceptions. Any particular reason you're opting for a harness? Makena only uses that wide collar for Nosework (altho I do have an ID tag on it, cuz her regular collar is then off), it feels very different from her other collar (much wider), and she knows when that collar goes on, she's "in search mode". She's so cute, when I put her collar on, she gets so excited - and serious - at the same time. She totally goes into "work" mode, getting very focused. Whichever you choose will work, but a collar is very easy -- just make sure if you opt for one of the Martingales, you get a wide one, so it feels very different from his usual collar (hence, the 2" one). I've volunteered at several trials, and competed at several, and it appears most people have decided to go with collars instead of harnesses, but the decision is yours.
How fun, seems we both have class on the same day - ours is on Wednesdays too.

Just think, if you get as addicted to it as we have, we'll still be posting in this thread a few years from now!!!

I never dreamed when we starteed 3 years ago, that we'd have this much fun, and still be going to class every Wed night. It's been a blast, and it's helped Makena in so many ways. Granted, we've done loads of work outside of Nosework, but it's such a fun sport, and it turns you into such a bonded team with your dog. You'll learn to read Rory like you can't believve - cuz you'll learn to study his body, his breathing, you have to know when they're searching, when they're crittering, when to step back and let 'em rip, and when they need your assistance. The communication that will develop between you will amaze you. It's gonna be a fun ride!!!!