//"Domino was about 8 months old maybe older when he became aggressive. I'm not sure if he was like this because he was attacked by his dad or if it was just how he was born, but he was best friends with Missy, his mom"//
Most of the dog-aggressive dogs i hear about, all have some dogs they do love. My dog is dog-aggressive, but, he has wide circle of doggie pals he LOVES!!! It is *most* (
not ALL, but *most*)
UNKNOWN dogs that set off a dog-aggressive dog)
yes, 9 mos old is typical age of onset for inborn dog aggression. Some dogs, like yours, do have humans who notice it a bit earlier,
and some dogs, especially if owned by homebodies who don't get much company nor walk their dogs much around UNKNOWN dogs, don't report til it as late as 12 mos old, but, the overwhelming majority of humans notice it at about 9 mos old. (IN OTHERWISE
by 12 mos old, most of these dogs are being brought to trainers, or vets, etc, and these ppl, since they've all been hypnotized that abuse "causes" dog aggression,
are racking their brains to remember what "abuse" or "lack of proper socialization" they did wrong.
Almost all humans do come up with some "event", that they feel "triggered" their dogs aggression............. if they think back very very hard, they find one, and say
THAT day is what ruined their dog for life. sometimes, the events they report sound ridicously trivial, yet, the human clings to the notion, that THAT day is what ruined their dog's inner brain and bloodstream for life.
"Oh, must have been that time a dog scared my puppy..."
"oh, must have been that time, my dog got bit by another dog"
while somehow,
these same ppl manage to overlook alllllll the dogs who DID suffer horrible abuse, MUCH worse than a dog scaring or even biting their dog, yet, THOSE dogs, who DID suffer horrible abuse,
love eveyrone and other dogs.
makes no sense.
yet, most ppl seem to struggle with the concept,
that a disorder CAN be inborn,
yet not manifest IMMEDIATLEY upon birth.
IMPOSSIBLE! They say, they even GET ANGRY if you suggest it as an option, as if you've insulted dogdom.
everyone agrees, the very complex herding behavior of many border collies, IS on the dog's DNA.
The mutated malformed hip in the GSD, does not show up in the litter box, but IS on the dog's DNA.
Many disorders or behaviors, that ARE born in,
do NOT manifest in the litter box.
I get impression,
that despite all the top geneticicsts, and veterinary research teams, who all identify the exact same anomalies in aggressive dogs,
for ppl to believe dog-aggression can be inborn,
the infant dog must display it in the litter box!! rofl!!!
THAT's the whole problem in getting humans to accept a dog CAN have an inborn problem (or skill) which does
not manifest in the litter box.
It HAS TO show up "right away" or it can not be on the dog's DNA, is what many ppl seem to think,.
the bad hips of many GSDs do not show up in the litter box....
the worlds best herding border collie, won't show any urge to herd in the litter box....
a great sighthound won't go chasing prey while in the litterbox.........
yet, these behaviors ARE set to go off LATER------------as the dog begins to mature, -------by his DNA.
but aggression,
if it doesn't show in the litter box, it "can't be inborn" is how most humans understand it,
dispite allllllll the research that shows aggressive dogs ALWAYS but ALWAYS have mishapen amygdalas in their brains,
and abnormal levels of serotonin, dopamine, adrenaline, zinc, and omega 3 levels in their bloodstreams,
to name a FEW of the PHYSICAL abnormalities found in ALL aggressive dogs, but NEVER found in "normal" dogs.
There are physical differences found in ALL aggressive dogs,
but never ever found in dogs who behave "normally".
it's born in.
we CAN take a 'normal' dog, and create a TEMPORARILY aggressive dog,
sure we can! but those dogs revert to 'normal' brained behavior quite readily.
the born in aggressive dog,
will be aggressive for life, on some level,
we can CERTAINLY make aggressive dogs BETTER, or WORSE, but we can't create one that
persists his whole life dispite many therapies to heal it.
that kind, is born in, and has been proven to have physical abnormalities in his brain and bloodstream.
and dog-aggression (towards other dogs) does tend to manifest at about 9 mos old or so.....