Honored Member
Ra Kismet has been really fantastic in getting over his tantrum but he still had to pass the BIG ONE - dog in street on the same side of the road - today it happened. But not, I hasten to add, as I imagined.
Just out of the driveway a pace or two into our walk and saw right ahead, around four houses down, a dog, sans any sign of an owner
I did expect the first time we had 'dog on same side of the street' it would on a leash!!!!!!!!
Had to make a very fast decision, did I keep going or belt back home? I had noted the dog appeared to be a youngster, not in the least aggressive, just alert, so in view of the fact that Ra Kismet HAD SEEN THE DOG (he would have had to be blind not to have seen it) and HAD NOT REACTED AT ALL just looked up me for his treats, I decided to keep going (there was a friendly neighbor's house if things went pear shaped). Oh yes, and Ra Kismet was on loose lead too!!!!!!!!!!!
The unleashed, unaccompanied dog 'helped out' though, by crossing over to the other side of the road (dangerous and had I not had my boy with me I would have tried to call/catch the dog as it was wearing a collar). NO REACTION from Ra Kismet, he was still gazing up at me for his click/treat, needless to say I was in overdrive by this time with the click/treats
The other dog must have crossed back because it ended up behind us, running away, all Ra Kismet did (and dogs behind him is the worse case scenario , that's the 'direction' his attacker came from) was a 'swing' couldn't even call it a pull or a lunge, the lead was still LOOSE
I immediately called him in my best 'come to Mommy voice' and his response was IMMEDIATE

And we continued on, with me still click/treating, as if NOTHING had happened!!!!!!!!!
He would have got a JACKPOT, he deserved it, but I didn't want to 'hang around' while he cleared the contents of a really full treat bag just in case
But he did get a massive handful 'on the go'
This is a HUGE step forward for my boy and I thank everyone who has helped me achieve this in really what has been a very short period of time
We still have the 'pass dog close quarters on same side of the road' to happen but hey, the boys doing so well
And the icing on the cake FOUR people admired his 'good manners' while we were on our walk, plus a thumbs up from TWO people in a car
I swelled with pride and tried not to look too smug
I think the kid may just get an 'extra something' at dinner time
Just out of the driveway a pace or two into our walk and saw right ahead, around four houses down, a dog, sans any sign of an owner

Had to make a very fast decision, did I keep going or belt back home? I had noted the dog appeared to be a youngster, not in the least aggressive, just alert, so in view of the fact that Ra Kismet HAD SEEN THE DOG (he would have had to be blind not to have seen it) and HAD NOT REACTED AT ALL just looked up me for his treats, I decided to keep going (there was a friendly neighbor's house if things went pear shaped). Oh yes, and Ra Kismet was on loose lead too!!!!!!!!!!!
The unleashed, unaccompanied dog 'helped out' though, by crossing over to the other side of the road (dangerous and had I not had my boy with me I would have tried to call/catch the dog as it was wearing a collar). NO REACTION from Ra Kismet, he was still gazing up at me for his click/treat, needless to say I was in overdrive by this time with the click/treats

The other dog must have crossed back because it ended up behind us, running away, all Ra Kismet did (and dogs behind him is the worse case scenario , that's the 'direction' his attacker came from) was a 'swing' couldn't even call it a pull or a lunge, the lead was still LOOSE

And we continued on, with me still click/treating, as if NOTHING had happened!!!!!!!!!
He would have got a JACKPOT, he deserved it, but I didn't want to 'hang around' while he cleared the contents of a really full treat bag just in case

This is a HUGE step forward for my boy and I thank everyone who has helped me achieve this in really what has been a very short period of time

And the icing on the cake FOUR people admired his 'good manners' while we were on our walk, plus a thumbs up from TWO people in a car