Bones Would Rain From the Sky and Merle's Door are both on my Amazon wish list; do let me know what you think of them!
Tx, "Bones..." is EXCELLENT, I've recommended it to so many people, and given it as a gift to two, just love S.Clothier -and Merle's Door is good, it's a novel, a story - he gets into the dominance thing, and I don't agree with all his beliefs, but if you can get your head away from that and just enjoy the story, you'll enjoy it - I took it for what it was, and liked it.
Tx, add "Inside of a Dog - What Dogs See, Smell, and Know" by Alexandra Horowitz to your wish list - it's fabulous, and I know you'll enjoy it! It's not a training book - it's written by a behaviorist and is as the title says - she's studied dogs and has done her best to try to relate to the reader how dogs experience the world, what dogs see, smell, and know (as best she can, of course). It's anything but boring, she's a good writer, it's a fast, interesting, fun read. It's made me look at my dogs in a whole new way (all good) - it's made me think about some things I didn't give a lot of thought to before.
(all just my opinion of course - some may disagree)