Here is the thread for tips for dogs who chase prey.
My dog has razor sharp recall, cuz we practice it most every day of his life,
but, i can't call him off of chasing bunnies.
This thread
is about desensitizing a dog
to bunnies.
If your dog isn't coming,
but is NOT currently chasing a bunny,
your dog might just need general recall training, or sharpening his recall.
Sadly, i have HAD to
RE-TEACH recall alllllllll over again,
from scratch (goes much faster the second time around though
when i realized, my dog's recall had gotten sloppy.
He was having that intermittant deafness, but it had nothing to do with chasing prey<---which is whole other deal.
See, i had *thought* that once i teach recall, it's a done deal, we are done, and now, forever after, my dog will always come from now on---when i say
"Buddy COME!"
BUT, i was wrong.
*MY* dog needs
frequent practice, to keep that cue razor sharp.
I "lied" to my dog, i told him the name for cheese, is "come". What dog doesn't come for if you say cheese?
Lots and lots of ways to teach recall, but what i did is on page one of this thread.
SEE REPLY #4 ON PAGE ONE OF THIS THREAD, it worked great for *my* dog anyway. Also, don't use your dogs NAME for his recall word, he hears THAT word alllllllll day long.
I also still, to this day, randomly reward Buddy arriving when i say "Buddy, COME!" so my dog never knows if he might get a prize for showing up. Of course,
when in training,
or in RE-training, you treat each time he shows up.