Again, thank you all so much. I have news, not a lot, but some news. We've just come home from a two hour visit to the vets. Three vets, Kylie, the specialist Allan (who came in specifically for Rakins) and another lady Megan from one of their other clinics plus a young trainee vet (who observed) have all examined Rakins. - He's not talking to any vets at the moment, they're not on his welcome list poor chap.
He was though an angel, not a single sign of being nasty, even though a lot of his examinations were quite intrusive, like rectal ones, he just cuddled up to me and 'bore it with fortitude'.
Nor would he oblige with a urine sample, so we've on 'pee watch' here at home and have to take in a sample a.s.a.p.
His legs, which have worsened over the long week-end, are now the first priority. The 'mystery mass' is second on the list. It's still there and is very 'mobile'.
Legs: It's not Myelopathy and doubtful if it's HD - thank goodness. But what it is is a mystery.
Mystery Mass: Still a mystery. One (Meagan) thought it maybe poo, but Kylie and Allan don't think it's poo. He's had no trouble pooing and if it were poo, they both feel it wouldn't still be there, or so mobile. They feel it maybe an internal blister, benign tumor. But, as it's not causing stress, no collapse or anything, legs have taken over. Mass will still have to be treated of course, they're not neglecting that, but for now his legs are first priority.
Blood test. A General one for elecrolytes, white/red cell count etc. and I mentioned to Kyle, at the suggestion of a member here, about Addisons disease. She already has that on her radar, and said that this blood test would give a very good indication if that was what is wrong. Then if there is an indication of Addisons, he will need the very expensive specialized blood test - been there already but for Cushings - so am ready for the expense if that happens.
Once the result of the blood test is through, then they will know what/how to proceed. They want to make sure all his major organs etc. are functioning well, his heart beat was a little slow today, unusual as most dogs are higher due to stress of being at the vets. Temp. was normal, but he's lost even more weight.
Also checking cyanide poisoning as he did eat, crunched them up the worst thing possible, Apricot kernals, we tried to clear them all, but well as you'll all appreciate, this is well nigh impossible. Though Allan isn't that concerned, as it's well over a month at least, since he ate them and as he said some dogs munch them all the time with no ill effect. But they're checking everything and any possible cause for the leg problems. Both the trainee vet and Meagan were googling like crazy - even vets use google!
For his legs: Xray's, if it isn't neurological, will be the next step. Hip's/legs/spine etc. Although none of them think he has HD or Myelopathy - thank goodness.
The Mystery Mass:
Two areas here.
One ultra sound - it will show a lump/mass but may not show what exactly the mass is.
Biopsy: Last resort - they do not want to do any surgery until they have ascertained that all his vital organs are working well etc. As surgery, which carries some risk as you all would know, may at this stage cause more harm than good, due to the leg problem (not knowing if this is physical or neurological etc.). And may be a complete, very expensive, red herring, as if it's a benign tumor, it will heal itself.
None of them think the two are related at all. So a round table discussion was held to work out which was the most important step to take first. Blood test, which today Kylie thought , after seeing how much his leg condition had worsened, was the first step met and with full approval of the others present.
In the meantime, bland diet, no tricking at all, and for walks just as much as he feels he can manage, and the worst part for Rakins no football/soccer playing just at present. And the boy STILL wants to play soccer.
I'm a bit numb at present, haven't really slept as you can all well imagine, but do feel a bit better now Kylie and the others have all seen just how bad his legs have become and we're taken the first steps to finding out exactly what is wrong in both areas. Funny, but I too am more concerned about his legs than the mystery mass.
He's eating well, pooing and urinating (except when asked to on cue

and over all is, whilst not his old self, not 'sick' as in lethargic or giving any signs of being in pain. Not even in the leg area, just they are not coordinating, like his back legs are 'drunk' and the message isn't getting through to them, especially if he turns, has a wee scratch, jumps and even stands - his hind legs are really splayed out when he stands otherwise he topples over.
Will have the results of the blood test Thursday (my time) this week. Another wait but was kinda prepared for this wait.
Both my partner and I have felt a 'hot spot' (not the usual type of skin hot spots) in around the middle area of Rakins spine. As you move your hands along his spine, all feels normal, then wham a really hot area, so when I've had some sleep, am going to do some crystal work on the boy and my partner will do some healing work on him too. We're NOT taking over from the vets, just adding what we are both very good at to the mix to help my boy.
Also put him on DOGtor X formula as well as Zeus, as it helps the dogs body to heal itself. Again, not taking over from the vets, just doing all I can to help my boy.
Again, thank you all so much, don't think I could make it through without your support.
I'll check other posts on the forum etc. later, after I've had a wee sleep, sorry everyone, but truly I am exhausted at present.