OH boy, Dogster, do i know what you mean about dogs working us!! MmmHmm
, Buddy works my guy terrible, just terrible....but, at least i got my guy to make dog
do a trick for each scrap!!
but, you know, it sure seems best, if just one person feeds a dog.
Like just only Jordy, or just only Dogcrazy, feed the dog, not lots of ppl all adding in extra foods....seems like..
just seems safer...
My guy does make Buddy's breakfast, but my guy is NOT in charge of
how much food Buddy gets each day.
My guy has to stick to feeding Buddy only a certain size breakfast only. My guy loves to cook, and he can use any kind of meat he wants to put in the kibble,
the AMOUNTS are 'set'.
I can tweak the size of Buddy's
dinner, now and then, but not my guy (meals he makes are "set" sizes, it's no good if we BOTH are tweaking the size of the dog's meal).
This way, i know how much food Buddy is getting each day,
even if i am not the one pouring Buddy's breakfast-----> THAT meal is a "set" amount.
that way, if i gave Buddy a ton of training treats that day, or if Buddy ran miles or swam a lot that day, or if Buddy layed around on a rainy day, or if i am going to trim his nails that night (lots of treats for nail care
) i might tweak the size of Buddy's dinner....but his
breakfast amount is set in stone.