My dog is terrified of ticks.
On the few occasions he has had a tick or two,
he worried obsessively about ticks for the next week or two afterwards, staring at his own legs all the time, (there were no ticks on his legs, nor any fleas, but, he must have seen one at some point, and then obsessed about ticks the rest of the next few days.
by staring at his own legs all day long). 
I mean,
nonstop staring at his legs...didn't even play, just spent the day staring at his own legs, for no reason. I could distract him for a while, walks, tricks, playtime, etc but, soon as he was done, he resumed staring at his own legs all day long.
If Buddy has seen a tick lately, ---------for next week or two afterwards----Buddy will also stop in his tracks and freeze about any crumb or dot on the floor, which could possibley resemble a tick, and approach it cautiously, in stalking mode

and study it carefully before relaxing again.
He once found a tick in his favorite chair that he sleeps in, Buddy leaped up, with look of panic on his face, and
backed away from the chair, looking at the chair with much alarm on his face.
so i went over and found one (1) tick there.
and for weeks after, Buddy would not get
near the chair.

Every night, Buddy would approach his usual sleeping chair, and then stop, seems to remember the tick, and
backs away.(he actually walks backwards keeping an eye on that chair)
Each time, i would look all over the chair, but, never ever ever found one tick there, not ever again.
After about a month or so of this odd behavior/fear,
I actually had to lure Buddy back to his chair again, CLICK/TREAT, and it took him a while to relax and stay in his chair again. Then overtime, he forgot about ticks and he slept in his chair again. He was over it again.
That was a year ago,
but to this day,
anytime Buddy has
recently seen a tick
, his tick-phobia starts up alllllllll over again, and he worries about
his chair all over again,
and won't sleep in it,
and he stalks all spots on the floor,
and spends his free-time staring at his own legs.
Even if the tick he saw was not anywhere that chair, he will avoid that chair, if he has recently seen a tick...anywhere.
All this, just from seeing one(1) tick in that chair,
a year ago, it all comes back to Buddy when he remembers there are ticks in the world, he must think
that chair is where ticks come from!!?? rofl.