Experienced Member
Lego is doing much better! We had a couple people bring their sicky dogs into daycare several weeks ago and they infected EVERYONE with kennel cough - Lego included.. Unfortunately the owners didn't think anything of hearing their dogs cough, and we weren't aware that they were sick until they started coughing later in the day and by then it was too late. Her case just escalated a bit into pneumonia.. She didnt actually lose a ton of weight, but because we keep her pretty lean to begin with (as ordered by the vet to help put less strain on her back leg), it definitely showed! She's slowly putting it back on, her metabolism is just so darn high that it takes forever.. But the important part is that she's healthy now 
Speaking of putting on weight.. We're supposed to be putting some meat on Streets' bones as well. According to her last foster home you can just POUR food into her and she barely gains any weight. We were told to add some brown rice to her food.. Does anyone have any other weight gain suggestions? I don't know if it makes a difference but both girls are fed raw diets.
At first Lego was accepting of Streets, but incredibly jealous. She would get annoyed with her pretty easily and would occasionally tell Streets off when she got too obnoxious - which we allowed, as Lego was very appropriate with her corrections and Streets took them very well. It seems like it happened overnight though that Lego decided she LOVES Streets, and now the two of them are best buddies and spend their days getting into all kinds of trouble - having 4 legs, Streets can reach all kinds of things that Lego never could! Annd after the new year Streets starts her much needed basic obedience class! Behaviourally, she's an amazing tempered dog.. But she doesn't quiiite have her manners down yet (ie. jumping up for food, counter surfing, coming when SHE decides to come, etc) so this will be yet another new experience for her

Speaking of putting on weight.. We're supposed to be putting some meat on Streets' bones as well. According to her last foster home you can just POUR food into her and she barely gains any weight. We were told to add some brown rice to her food.. Does anyone have any other weight gain suggestions? I don't know if it makes a difference but both girls are fed raw diets.
She's definitely starting to look and act more and more like a normal dog.. It may sound a bit cheesy, but it truly makes my heart happy to see her acting so puppyish these days. She still tends to wander the house looking a bit lost and off in her own little world every once in a while.. But already those moments are getting fewer and further between! I never expected her to make so much progress in less than a week.. In fact, as I was typing that last sentence she just spontaneously hopped up onto the couch with me to nibble my ears and smother my face with kisses.. GawshThe 'worried' look is already vanishing, she looks very comfy on the sofa and very hopeful when she's about to get a treat. And she responded so well, o.k. slight slip up, but quickly corrected. She's one smart lassie.

At first Lego was accepting of Streets, but incredibly jealous. She would get annoyed with her pretty easily and would occasionally tell Streets off when she got too obnoxious - which we allowed, as Lego was very appropriate with her corrections and Streets took them very well. It seems like it happened overnight though that Lego decided she LOVES Streets, and now the two of them are best buddies and spend their days getting into all kinds of trouble - having 4 legs, Streets can reach all kinds of things that Lego never could! Annd after the new year Streets starts her much needed basic obedience class! Behaviourally, she's an amazing tempered dog.. But she doesn't quiiite have her manners down yet (ie. jumping up for food, counter surfing, coming when SHE decides to come, etc) so this will be yet another new experience for her