well, to some extent, i think knowing a dog breed can be helpful,
but, lots and lots and lots of humans adore dogs that they have NO IDEA what kind of breed it is!
I think it is way way way more important to know your own unique dog.
Even if you knew for 100% sure what Tracy is,
it doesn't mean Tracy would be just exactly like those other dogs of that breed.
Let's pretend we know for sure, that Tracy is pure boxer, okay? You can line up five boxers,
and one boxer might be shy and afraid of humans, and not enjoy strangers at all, but gets on well with dogs..
the second boxer might hate unknown dogs, but love humans.
the third boxer might be friendly outgoing dog who loves eveyrone and does not even mind fireworks, enjoys children, and will eat your shoes and your cell phone all day long, just chews all day long. Sticks to you all day long. This dog hates cats, and has bitten several cats.
the fourth boxer might only learn tricks if he gets chicken for it, does not like "shaping" tricks, and hides under table if you scold him, loves loves loves to run, just tons of energy. this dog loves cats. this dog barks a lot.
the fifth boxer might be an escape artist, that you have to watch every moment, or he'll run off. He enjoys digging under the fence, and you worry all the time about losing him. but this dog won't much like long walks, let alone long runs, and prefers to lounge around by himself, and does not follow you all around that much.
all five are boxers.
see? all dogs are unique, even if they are same breed.
see my point? It will be fun for you to discover,
and influence
what type of "personality" your own lil dog will have!!!