Experienced Member
Chloe here, just had to add to these "tips for training your human". I find that dumping over the trash and throwing it all over the kitchen seems to work effectively. When ever Mom forgets to play our daily game of fetch outside, I whip out the garbage trick! Works like a charm!
These humans can be easily trained if you know how to do it. And positive reinforcement does go a long way, you should see what a good girl I am when I do get my daily game of fetch!! 
Do you have booties Leaf? I HATE the snow touching my delicate paws, and the booties make a world of a difference! Your mom owes you lots of presents since she delayed your party, right?

Do you have booties Leaf? I HATE the snow touching my delicate paws, and the booties make a world of a difference! Your mom owes you lots of presents since she delayed your party, right?