My Dogs


Honored Member
Hi Pawtential Unleashed. Thank you:) Zeus is a laid back dude, doesn't really do tricks but will allow himself to be dressed up with hats etc.
Ra Kismet can walk backwards, forwards and around on his hindlegs, do roll over, shake and is currently learning 'are you shy' but have a slight problem there - will post separately as I need some advice.


Honored Member
Thanks for all of the replies! I have a bit of a problem Ollie seems to eat everything from plants to stairs and I would like to know if you guys have any tips. I have tried putting dog of, citronella, pepper, chilli and a blend of all of them together but he just licks it off! Is there anything else I can do?
If you catch Ollie in 'the act' try substituting a toy. I've been lucky with Ra Kismet, he was so interested in balls he did very little damage as a puppy. Hold tight they do grow out of it:)