Tigerlily - take that deep breath, then take that step backwards - and don't think twice about it. Who cares if yesterday was better? I had to keep reminding myself we weren't on a clock, no schedule, we just had to get "there" slowly. Don't worry if Buddy is acting like Cujo again - go back to basics, see a dog, feedfeedfeedfeed when 'scary' dogs (any dogs) are around. He's young and obviously still has some issues he's working thru, don't rush him, whatever you do. Take all the time HE needs.
I was so proud of my girl a couple weeks ago. I signed us up for a 2-day training seminar. There were about 40 people, but 18 'working' spots (meaning 18 dogs). I was a bit nervous, hoping she could pull it off, knowing a year ago, she couldn't have - she'd have been melting down, having lunge and snark fests all weekend (and we'd have been thrown out in the first 5 min!). Right after we got out of the car, two other dogs came bounding out of their cars barking, whining, spinning, etc - she snarked at them. My heart sunk. She recovered quickly - and that was that, for the whole weekend. She performed beautifully along side 16 other dogs, no more snarking, alert but comfortable, and able to work.
You'll get there with Buddy, just go slowly, don't rush him, and make every dog a party in his mouth. His attitude will change, you'll see. Baby steps ... no matter how tiny the steps, they'll still get you 'there'. :dogtongue2: