I'm sorry.

Can I ask how he died?
I've only told a few people about it because I don't want someone judging Domino or my family, but I feel that no one here would do so, so I guess I will.
He did not die of natural causes, he was put to sleep by the pound, but they were not suppose to put him to sleep. So here the story. Domino was a very sweet boy and loved people, but when adults came in the house he would growl, bark and his hackles would be raised, though he didn't do this with kids. He adored kids, that's why I find what supposedly happened strange. He never growled, barked or anything when he meet people outside of the house. My two little cousins Beth 5 and Micheal 2 and my little brother Aaron 6 were outside playing. Aaron and Beth went to my brothers door, which they had been told Not to use. Domino slipped out the door. From what my brother said and Beth he bit her face. When my older brother went out to get her Domino was standing over her giving her tons of kisses, this is why I think a nail or tooth caught her skin and ripped it. Poor Beth now has a scar that isn't too noticeably thankfully, but she had a tone of stitches. My mom was ordered to take Domino to the pound for quarantine or go to jail. Before he went to the pound my mom gave him a bath, it may seem silly but she wanted him clean and it was her way of saying by. After his quarantine was up she was told she could get him. She received a call saying they put him down, it was a mistake. We weren't going to be able to keep him, but did plan on finding him a suitable home. The thing I regret most about this is if I were outside with them it wouldn't have happened, they had asked me to come out. I had said when it comes to a commercial, I should have just gone out. I also regret not asking to drop him off with my dad, I didn't know he wasn't coming back I never said goodbye. To this day 4 years later I can't say his name in front of my little brother, he brakes down in tears, my mom won't talk about him because it makes her cry. I miss him, but I like talking about him even if it makes me cry. The name Domino is not said in my house. If we say something about him we say D. Sorry for the long story and Please don't judge anyone, you didn't know him or what happened, honestly no does because the only witnesses were little kids. I hope I don't end up regretting posting this